The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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poplar, is much more likely to be blown away. Rough-fi ssured bark can
also trap, and trees planted in groups, with their increased ability to slow
down passing air, help likewise. In effect, they are acting as air fi lters.
There is also some research to show that trees “lock up” in their tissues
pollutants such as sulfur and nitrogen dioxide from car exhaust. A single
mature beech tree can lock up nearly four and a half pounds of carbon
dioxide within one hour on a sunny day.
One problem close to my heart is that many playgrounds are
unprotected by trees. Toddlers, infants, and schoolchildren spend time
playing in open sun traps, often at times of the day when the sun is at its
most fi erce. A few trees planted would give the shade vital to protecting
them from harmful ultraviolet radiation. An average six-foot sapling costs
very little; ten fast-growing trees could pretty quickly make a huge
difference to a playground. Plants and trees also provide noise barriers.
Individual leaves absorb and refl ect sound while the branches and foliage
scatter the sound waves, making noises duller and softer.

Allowing and Sustaining Nature as Much as Possible

Permaculture, or forest gardening, is something practiced naturally by the
native peoples of North America, the rain forests, and other places. These
old cultures simply made or found tiny clearings and worked with the
forest canopy, dew, sun, earth, light, and so on to grow fruits, vegetables,
and other natural commodities, planting for their grandchildren and
great-grand children as well as themselves. Forest gardening, as a system,
works with nature and allows her to do as much of the work as possible.
One of its most important principles is maximum observation with
minimal interference. Permaculture takes into account the wind, sun, slope,
climate, micro climates, and water fl ow, and uses a minimal amount of
machinery, so as to change or destroy as little as possible of this natural
There is increasing interest in leaving nature alone and trying to learn
from her instead of trying to master her. Such endeavors include the
Permaculture Association based in Devonshire, a vegan community with
similar interests in Cornwall, and organic farming schemes in Britain run
in association with the highly successful “box system,” whereby organic
fruits and vegetables are delivered to customers’ doorsteps weekly. The
famous Alternative Technology Centre in Wales is another encouraging
Plantlife is an organization of paramount importance to herbalists in
Britain because it addresses issues relating to local herbs. Plantlife is Britain’s
only national plant conservation organization working to protect and
conserve Britain’s wild fl ora in its natural habitats. It takes a strong lead in

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