The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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are useful for sore eyes, minor injuries, and skin
problems such as eczema, psoriasis, warts,
infl ammation, and irritation.

hawthorn (crataegus laevigata, sometimes

called c. oxyacantha)

Parts used: fl ower, leaf, and berry
All parts of the hawthorn are very safe for use on
the heart, and many heart patients regularly pick the
leaves, berries, and fl owers and make tea from them.
It acts like a beta-blocker, blocking heart receptor
cells and unblocking again as needed by the
individual. It is a very clever herb, ideal for
improving circulation and coronary blood fl ow, and
for regulating heart rate and blood pressure. It also
has antibacterial qualities.

lime tree (tilia europaea or cordata)

Part used: fl ower
A wonderful musty and heady aromatic fragrance
issues from the summer blossoms of the lime tree or
linden (not the same as the citrus tree bearing green
fruits). It is a good herb for the nervous system,
sedating, calming, and relaxing. It relieves spasms,
improves digestion, and often helps migraines and
high blood pressure. It is also used for circulatory
problems like hardening of the arteries, and for
urinary infections and catarrh. It is commonly
grown and used in France, Germany, and Britain.

mahonia (mahonia aquifolium)

Parts used: root, root bark, and occasionally the fruit
This is a very common hedgerow plant found all over Britain. It is native
to North America, where it grows prolifi cally.
Native Americans used it to treat the liver and skin.
Mahonia has the ability to inhibit the
overproduction of skin cells associated with psoriasis
and is used frequently in Germany for this purpose
with great success. Whenever you see barberry
(Berberis) mentioned in a formula, mahonia will
often do just as well. It also has a benefi cial effect on

20 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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