a one-day liver cleanse
A liver cleanse is specifi cally aimed at cleansing this organ and is
something that can be done at any time of the year. It simply involves
swapping your normal breakfast for a liver drink for one morning (or for
three consecutive mornings, as above). This cleanse can give one a really
springlike lift, whatever the time of year. Everything associated with
spring can be regenerated with this cleanse (after the possible healing
crisis): renewed energy levels, a greater feeling of joy, the desire to sing
like spring birds, and even the emergence of new creative ideas as sloth
and slowness ebb away. If you are feeling sluggish or out of sorts, this
method of cleansing is paramount. People with liver and gallbladder
dysfunction will defi nitely benefi t from it. According to iridologists, those
people who have brown or yellowish eye colors will particularly fi nd relief
with this gentle fl ushing process. It can also help those people with a
history of either prescribed or recreational drug-taking. Cleansing your
liver should lead to an improved sense of well-being. It is especially
effective in breaking down cholesterol in the bloodstream by preventing
the formation of fatty deposits along the walls of the arteries. Herbal
cleansing once or twice a year will signifi cantly help those people with an
above-normal cholesterol level.
Start by cutting out all coffee, tea, and alcohol for three days. This will
prepare you for cleansing, and already the body will begin releasing
toxins, so do drink plenty of water to help fl ush them through.
Four foods are essential to the treatment: olive oil, garlic, lemon juice,
and ginger.
Virgin olive oil helps to oxygenate your body internally; in its unrefi ned,
uncooked state it is a prime antioxidant. Olive oil is a monounsatu-
rated fat, which means that it does not clog your arteries with fatty
deposits. It also increases the body’s levels of high-density lipopro-
teins (HDL) or “good cholesterol”; this allows the blood to absorb
more cholesterol so that it may be eliminated by the liver. Therefore
it is important to choose the best-quality oil, that is, organic, virgin
(fi rst-pressing) olive oil.
Garlic is rich in sulfur and will help the liver perform and clear out better,
as well as aid in keeping cholesterol and other levels in check.
Lemon juice is a wonderful blood cleanser and helps clear out excess acids.
Ginger will help ease any nausea associated with the cleanse and help to
warm the whole body. Leave it out if your liver feels hot or infl amed.
To carry out a gentle fl ush of the liver, you will need to make up a
drink to be consumed each morning on an empty stomach. For one
person you will need
cleansing and detoxification 87