No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam

(Sean Pound) #1


6. This Religion Is a Science


THE INQUISITION BEGINS with a simple question: “Is the
Quran created by God, or is it uncreated and coeternal with God?”
Sitting atop his throne of gleaming gold and precious gems, the
young Abassid Caliph, al-Mu’tasim (d. 842), remains apathetic as one
by one “the learned men of God”—the Ulama—are dragged before
him in shackles to answer the Inquisitor’s question. If they admit the
Quran is a created thing (the dominant theological position of those
who are called “Rationalists”), they are free to return to their homes
and continue their teaching. If, however, they still contend that the
Quran is uncreated (the position of the so-called “Traditionalists”),
they are flogged and thrown into prison.
The procession of Ulama continues for hours as al-Mu’tasim sits
in silence, listening to theological arguments that he himself barely
understands. He is bored and noticeably ill at ease. The controversy

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