Propagation/Greenhouse Management
Unit 1.3 | 17
B. Propagation Media and Plant Propagation
- Role of propagation media
a) To provide idealized environment, suitable texture/structure to provide support/
anchorage and foster healthy seedling development
b) Media components to supply necessary nutrients
i. Compost
ii. Soil
iii. Organic matter amendments and fertilizers: e.g., blood meal (N), bone meal (P)
iv. Mineral amendments: e.g., lime (Ca), soft rock phosphate (P), greensand (K), etc.
c) Media must provide adequate physical properties for drainage to prevent development
of fungal pathogens, rotting roots, accomplished through the use of:
i. Sand
ii. Perlite
iii. To a lesser extent, drainage also provided by compost, vermiculite, peat moss, leaf
mold (partially decomposed leaf litter)
d) Media must also allow for moisture retention, accomplished through the use of:
i. Compost
ii. Peat moss/coir fiber
iii. Vermiculite
iv. Leaf mold
v. To a lesser extent, moisture retention also provided by soil, sand, perlite
e) Media must also facilitate aeration, allowing soil pore spaces to exchange O 2 and CO 2.
This is accomplished through the addition of:
i. Perlite
ii. Sand
iii. Vermiculite
iv. Leaf mold
v. To a lesser extent by peat, coir fiber, and coarse composts
f) Media should be pathogen-free and with proper cultural practices not be conducive to
pathogen development
- Philosophical basis for propagation media
a) Emphasis on non-toxic, naturally occurring, renewable, non-extractive ingredients
b) Live, biologically active mixes, reliant principally on natural processes, diverse soil
organisms to:
i. Release necessary nutrients
ii. Keep diseases in check
c) Texture, structure, nutrient supply combined with cultural practices are intended to
foster healthy, uninterrupted growth
- Conventional propagation media
a) Drainage, aeration, moisture retention still paramount but concern over energy required
to produce mix is lower priority
b) Sterile ingredients are used to prevent pathogens
c) Fertility through liquid-soluble, granular, petrochemical-based sources
d) Efficiency, ease of handling and transport are prioritized through the use of lightweight
ingredients such as peat, vermiculite
Students’ Lecture 2 Outline