Cover Crops
11 | Unit 1.6
Demonstration: How to Estimate the Nitrogen
Contribution of a Cover Crop
for the instructor
Through this hand-on field
demonstration and discussion,
students will learn how to estimate
the nitrogen contribution of a
cover crop for nutrient budgeting
purposes. (Please see Unit 1.11,
Reading and Interpreting Soil
Test Reports for more on nutrient
PreParatiOn and MateriaLs
- If possible, students should have received the
lecture portion of this unit covering the biology
and functions of cover crops in agricultural
systems. - Necessary tools and equipment: greenhouse
or oven (for drying cover crops), clippers,
measuring tape/stick or measuring frame, scale. - A mature stand of actively growing cover crops.
- Demonstrate procedure and then assign each
small group the tasks of cutting, drying,
weighing, and calculating the nitrogen
contribution of the cover crops (in total N lb/
PreParatiOn tiMe
1 hour
deMOnstratiOn and discussiOn tiMe
(2) 2 hour periods