Making and Using Compost
28 | Unit 1.7
deMOnstratiOn OutLine
A. Field-Scale Compost Making
- Review compost-making process
a) Examine feedstocks
b) Discuss C:N ratios of various feedstocks
c) Discuss importance of supplying adequate moisture during the composting process
- Review temperature curves from past piles
- Discuss National Organic Program definition of compost and requirements for compost
production and use - Discuss importance of monitoring CO 2 levels as a guide for turning
- Discuss optimum and required temperatures
- Examine breathable tarp used for covering pile
- Review and disucss nutrient profile of laboratory analysis of finished compost
- Discuss indicators of compost quality and maturity (see J on page 15 of Lecture
B. Equipment and Techniques for Windrowing, Turning, and Field Application of
- Explain and demonstrate how feedstock is layered for initial mixing
- Explain and demonstrate how water is applied as necessary during the mixing process
- Explain and demonstrate how feedstock is run through spreader to form windrow
- Explain and demonstrate how compost pile is turned
- Demonstrate and discuss techniques used in field application of compost
Instructor’s Demonstration 2 Outline