Soil Tests and Amendments
Unit 1.11 | 17
Instructor’s Lecture 3 Outline
Lecture 3 Outline: Applying Soil Amendments
and Fertilizers
for the instructor
A. Applying Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
(see for more information on materials, and equipment for amending
and fertilizing)
- Soil amendments
a) Timing of amending
b) Quantities to apply in a given year
i. Example: Agricultural lime and micronutrients
c) Depth of incorporation of soil amendments
d) Tools and techniques used for incorporating soil amendments
B. Supplemental Fertilizing
a) Timing of fertilizing
b) Quantities to apply in a given year
c) Application of supplemental fertilizers
i. Foliar application
ii. Soil-based application
d) Tools used for incorporating fertilizers
i. Spray rigs or backpack sprayers
ii. Fertigation
iii. Others
C. Hands-On Exercise: Reading and Interpreting Soil Analysis Reports, Nutrient
Budgeting, and Selecting Mineral and Organic Matter
Demonstration 4: Field Observations
Following Lecture 3, students should practice reading and interpreting soil analysis
reports, nutrient budgeting, and selecting soil amendments (refer to the Hands-On
Exercise). Students should also visit a working farm or garden operation for which a
soil test has been done (refer to Demonstration 4, Field Observations for a discussion
of soil fertility and nutrient management practices on a working farm).