Soil Tests and Amendments
Unit 1.11 | 35
Demonstration 3
Demonstration 3: Nitrogen Budgeting
for the instructor
This demonstration offers an
example of how a simple nitrogen
budget can be calculated for an
organic farm or garden. Using the
nitrogen budgeting worksheets
and the Demonstration Outline
below, discuss and demonstrate the
process of calculating an estimated
nitrogen budget for a farm, factoring
estimated nitrogen release (ENR)
from compost, cover crops, and
existing soil organic matter. For
this exercise, appendix 3 (Nitrogen
Budgeting Exercise) includes an
example of the steps involved in
calculating a basic nitrogen budget.
Following this demonstration,
students should be given the Hands-
On Exercise.
PreParatiOn and MateriaLs
• Appendix 3, Example of a Nitrogen Budget
• Appendix 9, Approximate Pounds/Acre of Nutrients
Removed by Common Crops
• Sample soil test report
• Overhead projector
• Pen for writing on overhead transparency film
PreParatiOn tiMe
0.5 hour
deMOnstratiOn tiMe
1 hour