Soil Physical Properties
Unit 2.1 | 31
Instructor’s Demonstration 2 Outline
Demonstration 2: Soil Pit Examination
for the instructor
DeMonstratIon outlIne
A. Determine Approximate Textural Classification of
Soil by Feel
B. Identify Distinct Soil Horizons
- A Horizon and what defines it
- B Horizon and what defines it
- C Horizon and what defines it
- Identify indicators of soil disturbance (e.g., tillage)
C. Describe/Define the Type(s) of Soil Structure
- Describe general soil structure and how it is created
- Identify and provide examples of soil aggregates and
how they form
Instructor overvIew
In this demonstration students
examine the soil profile and various
soil properties exposed in a shallow
soil excavation. Discuss the soil
profile and how the soil properties
observed affect the use of the soil
for farming, gardening, and other
• Shovel and Pic mattock (to dig pit)
• Munsell soil color book
• Water bottle for moistening soil
• pH kit
sIte PreParatIon
Several hours before the demonstra-
tion dig a pit approximately 2–4 feet
deep (or until distinct soil horizons
are observed). For ease, the pit may be
triangular in shape and stepped. Plan
to have the soil profile in full sun at the
time of the demonstration.
PreParatIon tIMe
Approximately 1 hour
DeMonstratIon tIMe
1 hour