Soil Biology and Ecology
Unit 2.3 | 9
Students’ Lecture Outline
Detailed Lecture Outline: Soil Biology and Ecology
for students
a. Pre-assessment Questions
- what is soil?
- what forms of life exist in soil ecosystems?
- How would you define a “healthy” agricultural soil?
- what is a food web?
- Can you describe a decomposer food web that may exist in the soil?
- what might be some negative effects of the long-term practice of monoculture cropping
and the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pest control agents on the soil ecosystem?
b. what is soil?
- Soil components
a) Mineral
i. Derived from parent material
b) Soil organic matter
c) water and air
i. 1/2 soil volume = pore space
ii. Importance of gas diffusion: when diffusion is slow, as with saturated soil, respiration
byproducts accumulate and inhibit aerobic processes
iii. CO 2 about 1% in dry soil, up to 10% in saturated soil
d) Biota: Smallest life forms are inseparable from soil organic matter
- Soil structure vs. soil texture
a) Soil texture, a native characteristic
i. Soil texture: The relative percentage of and silt and clay particles
ii. Surface area/volume effects (e.g., influences CEC, pore space, water holding capacity,
aggregate formation)
iii. The bricks, boards, and mortar (the physical materials) that make up soil
b) Soil structure, a manageable characteristic
i. Soil structure: The arrangement of soil particles. The “architecture” of soil.
ii. Determines movement of gases and water in soil
iii. Creates small habitat spaces
iv. water stability: Aggregates that retain shape when wetted maintain a more stable
soil structure
v. Influences soil tilth
c. what is a Healthy soil?
- Question: Is soil merely a solid medium that holds nutrients for plant growth or does soil
serve other functions? - Soil health and soil quality generally synonymous