1.3 Propagating
Crops from Seed
Introduction 3
Instructor’s Lecture 1 Outline: Seed and Seedling Biology and
Cultural Requirements 5
Detailed Lecture 1 Outline for Students 7
Instructor’s Lecture 2 Outline: Propagation Media and
Container Formats 11
Detailed Lecture 2 Outline for Students 15
Demonstration 1: Greenhouse Management 21
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 21
Demonstration 2: Propagation Media 23
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 23
Demonstration 3: Sowing Seed 25
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 26
Demonstration 4: Transplanting or “Pricking Out” 27
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 28
Demonstration 5: Irrigation in Propagation Facilities 29
Instructor’s Demonstration Outline 29