Teaching Organic Farming and Gardening

(Michael S) #1
Propagation/Greenhouse Management

Unit 1.3 | 5
Instructor’s Lecture 1 Outline

Lecture 1 Outline: Seed and Seedling Biology

and Cultural Requirements

for the instructor

A. Pre-Assessment Questions

  1. What conditions must be met for a seed to successfully germinate and grow into a
    viable seedling?

  2. What are the advantages of propagating annual vegetables in a greenhouse or similar
    climate control structure compared to direct seeding crops?

  3. Describe the optimal environmental conditions for the germination and growth of
    annual vegetables.

  4. What are the chacteristics of seedlings when ready for transplanting to the field or
    garden? What actions may growers take to prepare seedlings for transplanting into the
    garden or field?

  5. What is the most effective way to manage/prevent the development of pest and diseases
    in a propagation facility? Where would you seek information to identify pests or
    pathogens and to find Organic Materials Review Institute- (OMRI-)/National Organic
    Program-certified active control options if pest and or diseases should affect your

B. Sexual Propagation

  1. Definition of sexual propagation

  2. Types of plants grown from seed

a) Annuals

b) Biennials

c) Perennials

  1. Characteristics of open pollinated and hybrid seed

a) Open pollinated seed results in offspring closely resembling the previous generation

i. Self-pollinated populations

ii. Cross-pollinated populations

iii. Advantages:

iv. Disadvantages:

b) Hybrid seeds are the product of cross pollination of two different, but homogeneous
inbred, stable lines

i. Advantages:

ii. Disadvantages:

C. Seed Germination and Early Seedling Development

  1. Necessary preconditions for seed germination

a) Viability

b) Physical, chemical dormancy factors must be broken

i. Physical dormancy (hard, thick seed coats): Can be broken by soaking, scarifying,
exposure to soil microorganisms, depending on species needs

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