10 qqqqqTHE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD^ ...divine secrets to the miraculousqqqqq
that I do, he will do also; and greater {works} than
these he will do; because I go to the Father” (NASB).
How shall we do the same works that Jesus
did, and even greater works, if all we have is a
measure of the Spirit He had while He was here
on earth?
But thank God, we are joint-heirs with Christ
Jesus (Romans 8:17). That means we have the same
anointing that Jesus had. The whole Holy Ghost,
not a part or a measure of Him, is in us, praise
God! Through this book, I seek not only to stir in
you a strong desire for this fullness of the Spirit,
but also to impart to you the revelation knowledge
you require to activate it in your life.
It’s my strong belief and sincere prayer that
through the teachings and revelations that will
come to your spirit as you read this book, you’ll
discover a new and deeper dimension of the Holy
Ghost. You’ll be able to operate in His fullness
always, and you’ll walk in the miraculous and the
supernatural consistently.