62 qqqqqTHE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD^ ...divine secrets to the miraculousqqqqq
here is “emphusao” which also means “to blow at
or on.” So Jesus blew on them and said unto them,
“Receive ye the Holy Ghost!”
I want you to know this was not the same
occasion as when the Holy Ghost came to dwell
in them, because we read later in Acts 2:1-4 that
the same disciples on the day of Pentecost, were
all together in one place, in one accord, and they
were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to
speak with other tongues.
John’s record of the event in John 20:22 helps
give an explanation to the account of Luke in Luke
“Then opened he their understanding,
that they might understand the
John lets us know how Jesus opened their
hearts and imparted understanding to them.
Understand that the synoptic gospels are
Matthew, Mark and Luke. John’s gospel was
written long after these first three and the reason