(^208) Reducing emissions in Croatia – the Costs of Mitigation Human Development Report - Croatia 2008
any measure which has a probable marginal cost below
EUR 25 would be cost-effective, if it can utilise reduction
funds or prevent Croatia and Croatian businesses from
having to spend money buying credits elsewhere. The
sum of all of these measures has the potential for reduc-
ing emissions by an additional 881,100 tonnes in 2020.
In examining the possible measures that would either
have a net positive economic impact or that may have
a price for reduction less than the cost of buying cred-
its on the open market, the total amount of reductions
possible would be 11.85 million tonnes of CO 2 e. If taken
from the projected emissions of 42 million tonnes, this
leads to an emissions total of 30.15 million tonnes –
which would mean a significant reduction (16%) from
the baseline levels of 36.03 million tonnes. This assumes
a relatively high price of carbon (EUR 25). However, much
of this reduction (5.5 million tonnes) would result from
nuclear power production, which may not be viable for
environmental and/ or social acceptability reasons.
12.7.4. Measures that are more expensive for
reducing emissions
The next level of emissions reduction measures are
likely to be more expensive than the market price of
carbon but may be good to implement regardless.
This is because these measures may:
- Be required to meet EU obligations – such as the use
of biodiesel and bioethanol and the implementa-
tion of Best Available Technologies in agriculture; - Be more acceptable to the public – such as solar
power – or; - Have alternative benefits to the sectors that
implement the measures. Increasing carbon
Sub-sector of
Emissions reduction
CO 2 e
2020 Cost per
year (min)
2020 Cost per
year (max)
Energy - use in
Use of fuel cells and Photo-
voltaic cells
39,000 EUR 1,560,000 EUR 7,488,000 MELE/ MEPPPC
LULUCF in agriculture Soil sequestration of Carbon
(700 kg per hectare per year)X
2,533,000 EUR 164,645,000 EUR 215,305,000 MAFRD/ farmers/
Energy - electricity
Reduction of emissions due
to electricity produced from
700,000 EUR 53,200,000 EUR 101,500,000 HEP/ MELE/ MEPPPC/
Energy - use for
Using biodiesel 370,000 EUR 33,300,000 EUR 40,700,000 MAFRD/ biodiesel
producers/ MELE/
MEPPPC/ retail sellers
Energy - use for
Using bioethanol and
hydrogen cells
270,000 EUR 24,300,000 EUR 29,700,000 MAFRD/ biodiesel
producers/ MELE/
MEPPPC/ retail sellers
Agriculture -
changes in farming
Implementation of Best
Available Technologies
- reducing fertilizers and
better manure management
1,084,000 EUR 151,760,000 EUR 173,440,000 Farmers/ MAFRD/
Energy - use in
Solar energy - advanced
61,000 EUR 15,250,000 EUR 16,775,000 HEP/ MELE/MEPPPC
Total emissions reductions
due to options that are
more expensive, but may
have additional benefits/ be
5,057,000 444,015,000 584,908,000
Table 12-12: More expensive measures for reducing emissions
X This measure would need approval within international negotia-
tions to be included in the national emissions statistics.