A Climate for Change

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^212) Reducing emissions in Croatia – the Costs of Mitigation Human Development Report - Croatia 2008

  1. Improving energy efficiency in the households
    and services sector,

  2. Increasing efficiency and decreasing emissions
    in industrial processes,

  3. Burning methane from landfills for energy,

  4. Encouraging organic farming,

  5. Continuing land use changes that promote the
    sequestration of carbon in forests, along with
    improving the monitoring and calculation of
    carbon stock change
    6. Increasing the efficiency of transport systems,
    including the fuel efficiency of cars, the efficien-
    cy of traffic flows, and alternative transportation
    (walking, biking, carpooling, public transport).

Additionally, there are many other measures that may
become cost-effective with a higher price on GHGs. Fi-
nally, there are measures that may have a net positive
economic cost but are potentially helpful in address-
ing other problems, such as increasing the carbon
content of soils to retain moisture and decreasing the
use of fertilisers to protect water quality.
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