A Climate for Change

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^214) Evaluation of Current Activities to Mitigate Climate Change – Institutional Analysis Human Development Report - Croatia 2008
Evaluation of Current Activities to Mitigate Climate Change –
Institutional Analysis
Chapter 13 Summary
To reduce GHG emissions without undermining human development goals, numerous actors
must be involved and must work together effectively. These include Government institutions,
businesses, research institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the donor com-
munity. Croatia can remove barriers to the implementation of mitigation measures if a proper
regulatory environment exists; information is available for people and institutions; and suffi-
cient funding is available to pursue emission-reducing technologies and practices. Croatia has
taken significant steps towards establishing an institutional framework that can lead to emis-
sions reduction and foster human development.
The regulatory framework set out by the Government sends a clear message that energy effi-
ciency, renewable energy and reduced emissions are important. A fair amount of technological
capacity and knowledge exists to address climate change mitigation demands and to ensure
human development is enhanced rather than undermined by mitigation efforts. Finally, op-
portunities for financing emissions reductions exist and are increasing. This capacity is likely to
continue to grow as Croatia moves towards EU accession.
Specific recommendations that can be made to ensure that mitigation efforts aid rather than
hinder human development are:

  • The Government should form an inter-ministerial working group on climate change co-
    ordinated by MEPPPC. This group should involve both technical and political represen-
    tatives working together to ensure improved communication and coordination among
    governmental actors. This coordination could prevent the waste of public resources and
    could ensure that ministerial strategies and plans consider climate change. The mandate
    of the group could address adaptation as well as mitigation.

  • Data and best practice measures should be made more publicly available when funded by
    the Government. Progress that is currently being made in promoting energy efficiency in
    the Government sector should also be encouraged in the industrial and SME sectors.

  • Further development of the stakeholder process may be necessary to involve business
    representatives in discussions regarding the implementation of new policies.

  • Revenue from carbon fees should be used either for emissions reductions programmes
    or for tax reductions for fee-payers.

  • Businesses and technical consultancies may have a competitive advantage in promot-
    ing mitigation measures at the regional level. Croatian companies should continue in-
    vestigating the possibilities of marketing mitigation measures in other countries. These
    services can also constitute a part of Croatia’s official development assistance.

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