(^218) Evaluation of Current Activities to Mitigate Climate Change – Institutional Analysis Human Development Report - Croatia 2008
Box 13-1: Croatia – Becoming a leader in energy efficiency and a greener energy future
As the primary Government ministry responsible for ener-
gy issues in Croatia, the Ministry of Economy, Labour and
Entrepreneurship (MELE) is actively pursuing policies and
programmes to move Croatia towards a better energy
future. In working with the business sector, international
organizations such as the World Bank and UNDP, and gov-
ernment ministries and representatives around the coun-
try, we want to ensure that Croatia continues sustainable
development in the energy sector.
In order to save valuable resources as well as reduce emis-
sions that are harmful to the environment, MELE is work-
ing to decrease energy use among Government actors,
both at the local and national level. MELE is working with
UNDP and the Fund for Environmental Protection and En-
ergy Efficiency to introduce systematic energy manage-
ment into the cities and counties of CroatiaV – in all local
government owned buildings. A pilot project in the city
of Sisak (some 50,000 inhabitants) has shown that there
can be tremendous savings – up to HRK 2.5 million per
year in Sisak alone, out of a total energy budget of ap-
proximately HRK 10 million in 2006 – from better energy
management and switching to more efficient and cost-
effective energy sources. Our goal is that the cities and
counties of Croatia will be leaders in saving energy, mon-
etary resources, and reducing emissions. The effort being
made in cities and counties is coupled with the “House in
Order” project, which aims at increasing energy efficiency in
national government buildings. With these two projects, we
want to make sure that the Croatian Government acts as a
leader in moving towards energy efficiency and reduction
of emissions. The savings in monetary resources can then be
used for other productive programmes to improve Croatia.
A second area in which MELE is working towards sustain-
able energy is through stimulating the market for energy
efficiency and renewable energy. We are working with
our partners to build capacity among firms that can pro-
vide energy efficiency services, stimulate the demand for
energy efficiency, and implement instruments to encour-
age renewable energy usage. There is an ongoing pub-
lic information and education campaign, which aims to
raise citizens’ awareness of the energy efficiency poten-
tial of their homes. This public education campaign has
involved television, radio, and billboard commercials as
well as a free phone helpline for citizens with questions,
and works with the media to highlight the possibilities for
citizens to save money and the environment.
Another way of stimulating demand for energy efficiency
services is to provide “energy audits” that analyse where
savings are possible for organisations and citizens. The or-
ganisations and citizens can then follow the recommenda-
tions and implement energy saving measures. To increase
renewable energy usage, the MELE has also introduced a
favourable feed-in tariff to reward those who invest in elec-
tricity generation from renewable energy sources.
The third area in which MELE is working towards sus-
tainable energy is in increasing public awareness about
energy efficiency and emissions reducing possibilities.
MELE, together with the Environmental Protection and
Energy Efficiency Fund and UNDP, has issued a “One Ton
Challenge” brochure to all Croatians to reduce their en-
ergy consumption and therefore reduce their emissions
of CO 2 .VI
The fourth area in which MELE is working is in the develop-
ment of a long-term Croatian energy strategy that incorpo-
rates sustainable development as a core principle. To this
end, the Government of Croatia has drafted and adopted
an Energy Efficiency Master PlanVII and is in the process of
updating a long-term Energy Strategy that will ensure that
Croatia meets its international obligations, aids in econom-
ic development, and moves towards sustainability.
These are just some of the activities that we are undergo-
ing to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and
promote sustainable development in Croatia. MELE is
proud of the steps it is taking with others in the Govern-
ment sector, with international organisations, with busi-
nesses, and with Croatian citizens to ensure that Croatia’s
energy needs are met in order to facilitate human and
economic development and protect the environment.
Igor Raguzin, Head of the Division for Renewable Energy and
Energy Efficiency – Republic of Croatia Ministry of Economy,
Labour and Entrepreneurship
V The project is entitled “Energy Management in Cities and
Counties of Croatia”. More information is available through the
website http://www.energetska-efikasnost.undp.hr/show.jsp.
VI More information at http://www.energetska-efikasnost.undp.
VII More information at http://www.energetska-efikasnost.undp.
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)