Human Development Report - Croatia 2008 Evaluation of Current Activities to Mitigate Climate Change – Institutional Analysis^227
the introduction of clean technologies, which include
cogeneration facilities. Because Croatia is an Annex I
country under the Kyoto Protocol and is required to
reduce emissions, it cannot participate in CDM proj-
ect activities as a host country, but it can invest in this
type of project in non-Annex I countries in the region
or world-wide.
In addition to the mandatory measures that are in
place and will come into force following EU acces-
sion, other organisations, such as the Croatian Busi-
ness Council for Sustainable Development, the Croa-
tian Chamber of Economy, the American Chamber of
Commerce, the Nordic Chamber of Commerce, and
the Global Compact Initiative led by UNDP, can po-
tentially engage the business community in voluntary
measures to reduce emissions and improve their com-
petitiveness at the same time.
Financial resources must be made available to ensure
climate change mitigation leads to human develop-
ment. Large savings are possible – especially in energy
efficiency – that could improve business performance
and economic development as well as reduce pollut-
ants and aid other aspects of human development.
The potential exists for Croatian businesses to push
forward with new technologies that create new jobs,
make the environment cleaner and encourage more
education. The Croatian Expert Society for Solar Energy
estimates that there are over 500 people working in the
renewable energy sector in Croatia, and that number
is growing. In Austria, which has invested heavily in re-
newable energy, approximately 17,600 people worked
in the renewable energy sector in 2005.^27
Overall, Croatia is generating enough capital and pro-
viding good financial incentives for emissions reduc-
tion. This should continue and more opportunities for
financing should be investigated. This could include
implementing programmes that use funds from vol-
untary carbon offsets, utilising opportunities related
to Joint Implementation programmes, and directing
carbon fees towards feed-in tariffs, energy efficiency,
reforestation, and other carbon saving programmes.
Organisation Name Type of Organisation Activities Related to Climate Change Mitigation Contact Person Website/ Contact
HEP – DD Business Croatian electricity utility; also
sells natural gas, combined heat
and power; has numerous projects
oriented towards climate change
Goran Slipac,
Director of Corporate
Development and
HEP – Energy
Services Company
Business Services for EE including providing
capital to be paid back with
Gordana Lučić,
HEP – Renewables Business Renewable energy production Zoran Stanić, Director
Holcim Croatia Business Cement industry business
working to reduce emissions
Žarko Horvat,
Director of Industrial
Table 13-5: Businesses engaged in climate change mitigation activities and contributors to this section.
must be made
to ensure
climate change
leads to human