A Climate for Change

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^248) Human Development Report - Croatia 2008


  • 1 kilogramme of oil equivalent = 41,868,000 Joules (MELE 2007:

  • 1 Million tonnes of oil equivalent = 41,868 x 1012 PJ

  • 1EUR = 7.3 HRK

  • P = peta = 1015

  • T = tera = 1012

  • G = giga = 109

  • GDP (USD 2000 constant prices PPP) in 2006: 54,736 million
    (MELE 2007: 22)


  1. CBS. 2007. Statistical Yearbook 2007. Zagreb. [http://www.dzs.
    hr]. 9/2008.

  2. CBS. 2008. Statistical Information 2008. Zagreb, Croatia. http://
    3. Ekonerg. 2006. Tehno-ekonomske smjernice za izradu sektorskih
    programa za smanjivanje emisija stakleničkih plinova – Energe-
    tika, Nacrt (eng - Techno-economic measures for carrying out
    sectoral programmes for the reduction of greenhouse gas emis-
    sions – Energy. Draft) Zagreb, Croatia.
    4. Eurostat. 2008. Data – Energy. [http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.
    TERenergy&depth=2]. 9/2008.
    5. MELE. 2007. Energy in Croatia 2006. Zagreb. [http://www.min-

    web.pdf ]. 9/2008.
    6. MEPPPC. 2007. Prijedlog nacionalne strategije za provedbu Ok-
    virne konvencie Ujedinjenih naroda o promjeni klime (UNFCCC)
    i Kyotskog protokola u Republici Hrvatskoj s planom djelovanja
    (eng. Proposal for the National Strategy for the Implementation
    of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the
    Kyoto Protocol in the Republic of Croatia with Plans for Activi-
    ties.) Zagreb, Croatia.
    7. MEPPPC. 2008. National Inventory Report 2008. Zagreb, Croatia.
    8. UNDP. 2007. Human Development Report 2007/2008. Fighting
    Climate Change; Human Solidarity in a Divided World. New York.
    [http://hdr.undp.org/en/]. 8/2008.

Statistical Indicators
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