(^250) Human Development Report - Croatia 2008
At-risk-of-poverty rate, by household type and age (%)
One-person household 36.5 41.3
Men 27.9 33.6
Women 39.8 44.3
One-person household, 30-64 years 28.2 30.8
One-person household, 65 years and over 41.5 47.5
Two adults, no dependent children, both adults under 65 years 17.7 18.8
Two adults, no dependent children, at least one adult 65 years or over 28.7 31.9
Other households with no dependent children 8.9 10.6
Single parent household, one or more dependent children (26.0) (23.6)
Two adults, one dependent child 11.2 12.6
Two adults, two dependent children 10.1 10.3
Two adults, three or more dependent children 25.9 27.7
Other households with dependent children 12.3 13.3
At-risk-of-poverty rate by tenure status (%)
Tenant 21.4 18.2
Owner or rent free 17.2 19.1
Inequality of income distribution – quintile share ratio (S80/S20) 4.3 4.9
Gini coefficient 0.28 0.30
Relative at-risk-of-poverty gap (%) 21.9 24.9
Dispersion around the at-risk-of-poverty threshold
40% cut off 5.2 7.2
50% cut off 10.5 12.6
70% cut off 24.0 26.3
At-risk-of-poverty threshold before social transfers (%)
Social transfers excluded from income 24.3 26.3
Pensions and social transfers excluded from income 41.6 43.4
( ) Insufficiently reliable estimate
- CBS. 2008. Poverty indicators. 2005-2007. Zagreb, Croatia.
[http://www.dzs.hr/]. 9/2008.
Statistical Indicators