A Climate for Change

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^254) Human Development Report - Croatia 2008

  1. Are you working?

Retired 30%

Student 12%

Homemaker 12%

Full-time 41%

Part-time 2%
Unemployed 8%

  1. What is the size of your house / flat in square

  2. How many people are there in your household?

  3. What is your marital/ family status?

a. Single.
b. Married, with no children.
c. Married with one or more children -
how many?
d. Not married with one or more children –
how many?
e. Married with children and grandchildren –
how many?
f. Unmarried with children and grandchildren –
how many?

General Socio-Economic Questions Information and Answers from the Public Opinion Survey
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