(^260) Human Development Report - Croatia 2008
Chapter 7
1 UNDP 2006
(^2) MEPPPC 2006
(^3) CEA 2008c
(^4) GRC 2007e
(^5) MEPPPC 2006
(^6) European Parliament 2000
(^7) MAFWM 2007b: 139
(^8) MAFWM 2007b: 139
(^9) CW 2008b
(^10) CNIPH 2005
(^11) CW 2008b
(^12) WB 2007c
(^13) Bajo and Filipović 2008
(^14) CW 2008a
(^15) CCPC 2004
(^16) CW 2008a
(^17) Bajo and Filipović 2008
(^18) Romić and Marušić 2006
(^19) Bajo and Filipović 2008, CW 2008a
(^20) Bajo and Filipović 2008, GRC 2007e
(^21) CEA 2007a, CEA 2007b
(^22) CEA 2008b
(^23) CEA 2008b
(^24) CW 2008a
(^25) Romić and Marušić 2006
(^26) Bajo and Filipović 2008
(^27) CW 2008a
29 BBC News 2007
30 Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transportation and
Development 2004
31 Poslovni Dnevnik 2007
32 Institute of Oceanography http://www.izor.hr/
33 Institute for Tourism 2008
34 CBS 2008b
35 Ministry of Tourism 2003
36 UNECE and WHO 2008
37 Stražičić 1980 and Geografija.hr 2005
38 Stilinović 2008
39 Institute for Tourism 2008
40 UNEP/GRID-Arendal 2008
41 Gajić-Čapka and Horak 2007
42 UNESCAP 2007
43 Dukovac 2008
44 UNESCAP 2007
45 Bigano, Goria, Hamilton and Tol 2005
46 Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and
Development 2007
47 Allianz Group and WWF 2006
48 Mills and Lecomte 2006
49 Mills 2007
50 UNEP FI CCWG 2006
Chapter 5
1 Nakicenovic and Swart 2000
2 IPCC 2007b
3 IPCC 2007b: 820
4 Overpeck et al. 2006, Harris and Stonehouse 1991
5 CBS 2007c
6 PAP/RAC 2008
7 Juren and Kalinski (eds.) 2005
8 Church et al. 2001 and Fletcher 2008
9 Baric, Grbec and Bogner 2008
10 Baric, Grbec and Bogner 2008
11 Bindoff et al. 2007
12 EEA 2008
13 Callaway 2004
14 Vafeidis et al. 2008
15 PAP-RAC 2008
16 UNEP/MAP 2008
17 EU BLUE BOOK 2007
18 Official Gazette 128/04
Chapter 6
1 Kuhn et al. 2003 and Pelley 2005
2 D'Amato et al. 2007
3 Sardon 2007
4 WHO 2008b: 15
5 WHO 2008b: 18
6 WHO 2008b: 22
7 WHO 2008b
8 Heim 2005
9 WHO 2008b: 14-15
10 Zaninović 2003
11 WHO 2008b: 15-21
12 WHO 2008c
13 WHO 2008c
Endnotes and Bibliography
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)