A Climate for Change

(Chris Devlin) #1
Human Development Report - Croatia 2008 Health Impacts^93

years ago and now contains information for much
of the country. Forecasts are announced in the daily
papers, on certain websites,IV and on television.V The
aim of the programme is to educate citizens about the
risks from allergens in the air as well as other potential
health-related factors that can cause respiratory prob-
lems, such as extreme temperature, air pressure, hu-
midity and ground-level ozone. The programme also
offers advice on how to avoid health risks.

While these actions represent a good start for dealing
with climate-related health risks in Croatia, the coun-
try needs to take further steps, several of which are
currently in the planning stages. However, to address
existing and future risks effectively, more information
is required. Data on the incidence of infectious and
chronic diseases and of morbidity and mortality on a
daily basis is needed to enable a basic assessment of
the scope of current problems in Croatia to be under-

Numerous stakeholders must be involved in the ef-
fort to address the health-related effects of climate
change. For example, a conference of health profes-
sionals in June 2008, sponsored by the World Health
Organization, discussed addressing heat waves in
Croatia. It was agreed that the Croatian Public Health
Institute, along with its regional public health insti-
tutes, should serve as the leading body in dealing with
heat waves. Other institutions that should be involved
include the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Educa-
tion, other health services, the Croatian DHMZ and
retirement homes. Between them they have the re-
sources to carry out a fair amount of adaptation work
and to deal with immediate risks. The conference also
concluded that professional knowledge, especially
among general practitioners, needs to be expanded
and refreshed, and that the public should be educated
on the impacts of climate change on human health.
The following measures are planned:

  • More workshops and round-table discussions
    with health professionals in cities around Croatia

  • Special care for vulnerable groups in the population

    • Telephone help-lines available free of charge be-
      fore and during heat waves

    • Establishment of an official ‘heat wave warning’

    • An early warning system for heat waves

    • Tests of new technologies (especially air-condi-
      tioning) for their effects on human health

    • Development of a strategic document detailing
      ‘heat-health protection’, in the framework of the
      Biennial Collaboration Agreement with the World
      Health Organization

An action plan for heat waves will be developed with the
assistance of foreign experts from countries currently im-
plementing their own plans. Contacts have already been
made with representatives in France, Spain and Italy, and
their advice will be incorporated into Croatian plans. The
WHO also recommends emissions reductions campaigns
in the transport sector highlighting the health benefits
of certain modes of transport in terms of increased car-
diovascular activity (e.g., cycling to work).

6.4. Conclusions and

While potential health benefits due to climate change
do exist, such as milder winters, Croatia will have to
adapt to the health risks. The spread of infectious dis-
eases, such as malaria, could potentially become a risk in
the distant future, though it is unlikely in the near-term,
and will be related to temperature, sewage systems,
and water management. Existing risks – primarily from
heat waves – must be dealt with now, and the priority
among public health institutions and actors should be
to minimise illness and death due to the changing cli-
mate, especially among vulnerable populations such as
the elderly and those with heart conditions.

While potential
health benefits
due to climate
change do exist,
such as milder
winters, Croatia
will have to adapt
to the health

Existing risks –
primarily from
heat waves –
must be dealt
with now
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