Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

war footing with all infi dels, so the point is prob-
ably moot.

Nawaz It’s irrelevant because I could be doing taqqiya
now in my explanation of what taqqiya is. What’s
im por tant is that credible interlocutors have these
sorts of conversations with you, with Ayaan, and
with others, because when you trust someone, it’s a
lot easier to listen to what he’s saying, regardless of
whether taqqiya is a Sunni or a Shia concept. Such
relationships can come only with hard work and
seeing that we have everyone’s best interests at heart.
As for the fatwa, it wasn’t evidenced in terms of
scripture because it was written very deliberately to
make front- page headlines in the press, which it
did. You can imagine that an overly theological
document would not get onto the front page of
London’s Sunday Times. I would encourage you to
read other papers by Dr. Hasan. He has written a
paper on citizenship and reconciling the concept
of the medieval form of the dhimma, when a head
tax was levied on “ people of the book.”^20 He has

  1. U. Hasan, From Dhimmitude to Democracy: Islamic
    Law, Non-Muslims and Equal Citizenship, Islamic Reform
    Series 3 (London: Quilliam, 2015).

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