Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

Islamist group could muster only about 25  percent
in dedicated support.

Harris What percentage of Muslims worldwide are
Islamists, in your estimation?

Nawaz I’m using Egypt as an example because that’s
where the Muslim Brotherhood is particularly suc-
cessful. And if the Brotherhood in Egypt could
gain only 25  percent in the fi rst round of elections,
it’s probably less pop u lar in other Muslim- majority
socie ties. This is what my gut tells me; I have no
empirical evidence.

Harris Actually, one group analyzed the past forty
years of parliamentary elections in Muslim- majority
countries and found that on average, Islamist par-
ties have carried 15  percent of the vote.^6 This
suggests that 15  percent of the world’s Muslims
are Islamists. However, poll results on the topic
of shari’ah generally show much higher levels of
support for its implementation— killing adulterers,

  1. C. Kurzman and I. Naqvi, “Do Muslims Vote Islamic?”
    Journal of Democracy 21, no. 2 (April 2010).

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