Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

the other. Conservative Muslims may be our allies
for the former but not the latter. This puts reform-
minded liberal Muslims in a really, really diffi cult

Harris That’s another extremely helpful distinction.

Nawaz Recall that I classifi ed the majority of Muslims
as conservative: though not all conservatives may
be “practicing” Muslims, their views tend to refl ect
traditional Muslim values. Well, a smaller group
beyond those are reform Muslims— people like the
UK’s lead reform theologian, Dr. Usama Hasan.
They are attempting both to challenge Islamism
head-on and to reform some of the more conserva-
tive interpretations of the faith. By “reform” I mean
renew or update interpretations, not with any spe-
cifi c reference to the Christian Reformation. These
reformists are, I believe, the cream of the crop in
terms of having the networks and the intelligence
to approach this discussion. I hope they are the
future, and if I have anything to do with it, they
will be.
As mentioned, I cofounded and run Quilliam,
the world’s fi r s t c o u n t e r - e x t r e m i s m o r g a n i z a t i o n ,
based in London. It is our unenviable task to

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