Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

To learn that 78  percent of British Muslims think
anyone who published the Danish cartoons should
have been punished— and surely some signifi cant
number would have wanted them killed—is
extremely troubling. Perhaps you could say a few
words about the specifi c situation in Britain.

Nawaz Yes, those poll fi gures are indeed troubling—
with the caveat that “live under shari’ah” can mean
different things to different respondents. We at Quil-
liam are based in London, and we say this openly,
though it doesn’t make us very pop u lar among many
of my co- religionists: by comparison with Ame rica,
Britain has a disproportionately large prob lem with
Muslim extremism, as does Eu rope. A more recent
poll indicates that 27  percent of Britain’s Muslims
said that they had some sympathy for the motives
behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. Eleven
percent felt sympathy for people who wish to fi ght
against “Western interests.”^9 Though this poll estab-
lishes that the majority hold less sympathy for vio-
lence, these two fi gures are still alarmingly high in a

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