Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

than those of what they consider “their own”
government—is that they are not responsible for
other governments’ actions. However, they leap
whenever any (not merely their own) liberal demo-
cratic government commits a policy error, while
generally ignoring almost every fascist, theocratic,
or Muslim- led dictatorial regime and group in
the world. It is as if their brains cannot hold two
thoughts at the same time. Besides, since when
has such isolationism been a trait of liberal inter-
nationalists? It is a right- wing trait.
They hold what they think of as “native” commu-
nities— and I use that word deliberately—to lesser
standards than the ones they claim apply to all
“their” people, who happen to be mainly white, and
that’s why I call it reverse racism. In holding “na-
tive” communities to lesser—or more culturally
“au then tic”— standards, they automatically dis-
empower those communities. They stifl e their
ambitions. They cut them out of the system entirely,
because there’s no aspiration left. These communi-
ties end up in self- segregated “Muslim areas” where
the only thing their members aspire to is being tin-
pot community leaders, like ghetto chieftains. The
“fellow- travelers” fetishize these “Muslim” ghettos
in the name of “cultural authenticity” and identity

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