Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

Harris I agree with everything you just said. I once
wrote an article titled “The End of Liberalism?” in
which I observed that these “fellow- travelers” have
made it nearly impossible for well- intentioned,
pluralistic, liberal people to speak honestly on this
topic— leaving only fascists, neo- Nazis, and other
right- wing lunatics to do the job. On some occa-
sions the only people making accurate claims
about the motivations of Islamists and jihadists are
themselves dangerous bigots. That’s terrifying.
We have extremists playing both sides of the board
in a clash of civilizations, and liberals won’t speak
sensibly about what’s happening.

Nawaz Okay, because that latter part, the bigot part,
isn’t that controversial, I want to talk a bit longer
about the “fellow- traveler” part, and why these
people are reverse racists. It is because they come
at this from the assumption that all Muslims
think in a certain way, so any Muslim who doesn’t
think like that can’t be a “real” or “au then tic”
Muslim. Now, what worse form of bigotry could
you possibly adopt than the idea that all 1.6 bil-
lion people in the world who subscribe to a par-
tic u lar religious denomination must think and
behave in the same way? This sounds like a right-

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