Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

against the Islamic State on the front page of the
Sunday Times.

Harris Yes, I did. I spread that on social media the mo-
ment I saw you had published it.

Nawaz Yes. So Dr. Hasan published a paper on the
specifi c question of leaving the religion and
freedom of belief.^14 Looking at the legal arguments
specifi cally, this issue is slightly easier to address
than your symbolic case of bacon. The criminal-
ization of apostasy comes from a solitary hadith that
appears to be inconsistent with other ahadith and
even certain passages of the Qur’an. What do we
do with that inconsistency? This is where one must
enter into methodologies.
If somebody says, “Yes, but the hadith says this,”
it is for somebody like Dr. Hasan to say, “Yes, but
the Qur’an says that.” Now we have two sources
saying different things. How can we reconcile
them? How can we pop u lar ize a more considered

  1. U. Hasan, “No Compulsion in Religion: Islam & the
    Freedom of Belief,” Quilliam Foundation, 2013; http:// www
    . quilliamfoundation. org / free - publications/.

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