Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue

(lily) #1

My view is that no idea is above scrutiny, and no
people are beneath dignity. As Ali A. Rizvi points
out, if I say “smoking is bad,” this does not mean
that I believe all smokers to be bad people.^16 Wor-
rying about inciting racial hatred in cartoons is
legitimate, so that no group is racially targeted. It
is why we don’t like anti- Semitic cartoons. This is
entirely distinct from a “blasphemy” motivation
for censorship, which aims to silence scrutiny of a
power ful idea and its founder, inspiring to bil-
lions. We must not confuse these two different
concerns. This is the core of what most of us, espe-
cially Muslims, must refl ect on in the wake of the
tragedy in France.
Now, let’s take some specifi c examples: alcohol,
apostasy, infi dels, and paradise— let’s look at each
one in turn. Below I will focus on the texts don’t
speak for themselves part of my thesis. However, one
could equally engage with these matters through
the relationship you have with the text, which, as
discussed above, views religion more as a spiritual
journey, and less a set of legal injunctions.

  1. http:// www. huffi ngtonpost. com / ali - a - rizvi / an - atheist - mus
    lims - perspective - on - the - root - causes - of - islamist - jihadism

  • and - the - politics - of - islamophobia b 3159286. html.

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