Promises of 9 - 11

(meriammomoh) #1


It took a while before I understood the spiritual
principles of getting answers to prayers. Back then
when I prayed it always felt blank with no weight
and the answers to the prayers felt half-baked.

Through the grace of God, the Holy Spirit opened
my understanding to the spiritual principles which
have worked for me and are still working for me
and others, and I am happy to be sharing this with
you all in this prayer journal.

It is high time children of God use what is freely
theirs, and that is standing on the word of God
with faith, and praying without ceasing. We have so
many promises that we can use as weapons
against the devil and his cohorts and win each

If you have this book in your hands, rejoice with me
and start to enjoy the power of using your
dominion and enjoy God’s joy and promises that
added no sorrow.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and
sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even
to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4 : 12 )

I know after reading this prayer journal the Lord
will give you testimonies as he did for me and open
your eyes to many other scriptures that will set you
free from any affliction and bondage and give you

This Journal is a special gift and a prayer tool that will
help so many and bring authority strength and

I return all glory to God and thank the sweet Holy Spirit
for allowing me to be sensitive to understand the
meaning and the repetitions of seeing the numbers 9 -
11 and the vision of what God wanted to make out of it.
As you read this book, I pray you to understand the
power of using the word of God and that these prayers
work and; God’s Promises are yea and Amen. To God
be the glory!
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