with most days allowing no more than two or three
types of foods.
For example, on the first day of the diet, dieters
are instructed to eat pineapple, corn on the cob, and a
salad made of lettuce, tomatoes, and onions with
Mazel dressing. (Mazel dressing is a recipe included
in the book, and shows up frequently throughout the
35-day diet.) This means that dieters may eat as much
pineapple as desired in the morning, but once they
beginning eating corn on the cob they cannot go
back and eat more pineapple. Once the salad is
eaten, both corn on the cob and pineapple are no
longer allowed. Dieters are instructed to wait between
changing foods to ensure proper digestion.
Some days on the diet only one type of food is
permitted during the entire day. Day three of the diet
allows the dieter only to consume grapes. On other
days the dieter is only allowed to eat watermelon.
Although these rules are extremely restrictive, they
are not as restrictive as the rules set out in the original
Beverly Hills diet. On that diet, dieters were only
allowed to eat fruit for the first 10 days of the diet.
No animal protein was allowed at all until the 19th
day. The New Beverly Hills diet includes vegetables
and carbohydrates occasionally during the first week,
and includes lamb chops and shrimp on the sixth day.
The Beverly Hills diet promises dieters that they
will lose up to 25 lb (11.5 kg) in 35 days. The diet’s
Website claims that the average dieter will lose 15–20
lb (7–9 kg). Mazel promises that by following the
guidelines set out by her diet, dieters will be able to
eat anything they want, including foods forbidden on
most diets, such as cheesecake and hamburgers. They
only have to ensure that they eat them at the right
times, in the right combinations, and in the right order.
Doing this, Mazel claims, will let dieters become thin
and stay thin, all while eating fatty foods forbidden by
other diets. The Beverly Hills diet is intended to be a
life changing diet, and dieters are expected to continue
to follow the rules of the diet after the 35 days of meal
plans are finished. Mazel does not provide exercise
recommendations, nor does she provide information
to help dieters improve other aspects of their lives,
such as advice on stress reduction.
The Beverly Hills diet claims that dieters can lose
20 lb (9 kg) in 35 days. Many health benefits are
associated with significant weight loss if it is achieved
through healthy eating and exercise and occurs at a
moderate pace. These benefits can include a decreased
risk of Type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease,hyper-
tension, and other obesity related diseases and
There may be some benefits to following the Beverly
Hills diet. The diet emphasizes eating a wide variety of
fruit. Fruits contain manyvitaminsandmineralsthat are
necessary for good health. Eating a diet with more fruits
and vegetables can help dieters stick to an otherwise well-
balanced, reduced-calorie diet because fruits and vegeta-
bles generally contain fewer calories per volume than
other foods. This means that a dieter can feel full while
eating fewer calories. The diet also restricts prepared
foods and foods withartificial preservatives, sweeteners,
and flavors. Eating a diet thatcontains mainly fresh foods
can be very healthy because prepared foods are often very
high insodiumand have fewer vitamins and minerals
than fresh foods.
The New Beverly Hills diet’s website cautions
dieters that there are some people for whom the diet
is not appropriate. These include women who are
pregnant orbreastfeedingand anyone with diabetes,
ulcers, spastic colon, and various forms of irritable
bowel disease. The website also cautions that anyone
with serious illness or chronic disease should only
begin this diet under medical supervision.
Even dieters who do not have serious illness
should consult a doctor or other medical professional
when considering this diet. Daily requirements of calo-
ries, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can differ
from person to person depending on age, weight, sex,
activity level, and the presence of certain diseases or
conditions. A physician can help the dieter determine
if this diet will be safe given a dieter’s specific nutri-
tional requirements, so that the dieter can reach his or
her weight loss goals without risking good health.
This diet requires that dieters eat only a small
variety of foods each day, and on some days only
one type of food is allowed. No protein is allowed
until the sixth day of the diet, and it is not included
regularly after that. This means that it will be
extremely hard for dieters to get the vitamins, miner-
als, and nutrients that are needed each day for good
health. If dieters are considering this diet, they should
consult a physician about taking a multivitamin or
other dietary supplement to reduce the risk of serious
nutritional deficiencies. However, no vitamin or sup-
plement can replace eating a healthy, balanced diet.
Beverly Hills diet