Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

Herbal medicine
for arthritis, 1:65
for diabetes, 1:275
diuretics, 1:308, 309, 310, 311
grapefruit, 1:484
harm from, 1:294
for heartburn, 1:509
osteoporosis, 2:767
phytochemicals, 2:800–802
weight loss aids, 1:281, 2:740–741
See alsoBotanical supplements;
specific herbs
Herbalife International, 1:513–516
Herbs and spices
for arthritis, 1:65, 67
Caribbean Island diet, 1:174
for detoxification, 1:261t
Fat flush diet, 1:361, 363
for inflammation, 1:57
as phytonutrients, 2:802–803
Shangri-la diet, 2:865
Hereditary fructose intolerance,
1:435, 439
Hereditary hemochromatosis,
Hermann, Mindy, 1:192
Herodotus, 2:700
Hess, Karen, 1:23
HGH (human growth hormone)
abuse, 1:355, 356
HHS.SeeU.S. Department of Health
and Human Services
Hi-Energy Weight Loss Centers, 2:668
Hiatal hernias, 1:449
High blood pressure.See
High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
DASH diet, 1:251
defined, 1:284, 285, 540, 547, 621
healthy heart diet, 1:502
hypertriglyceridemia, 1:550
levels, 1:620t
NCEP classifications, 2:924
peanut butter diet, 2:790
senior nutrition, 2:861
SNPs, 2:718–719
TLC diet, 2:925
transfats, 2:929
High-energy-dense foods, 2:659–660,
661, 995
High-fat diets
Bernstein diet, 1:91–94
ketogenic diets, 1:517, 597–602
Rosedale diet, 2:842, 843
High-fat/low-carb diets, 1:517–521,
517 t
High-fiber diet, 1:521–523
health benefits, 1:315
for IBD, 1:561
for IBS, 1:579, 581, 582
High-fiber/low-fat IBS diet, 1:581,

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS),
1:77, 79
High nutrient foods, labeling of,
1:409, 522, 2:731t
High-protein diet, 1:524–526
Body for Life diet, 1:114, 115
CSIRO total wellbeing diet,
Neanderthin diet, 2:699–706
Zone diet, 1:360t, 524, 525,
See alsoLow-carbohydrate diets
High-protein grapefruit diet,
High-response, high-yield foods (Dr.
Phil’s diet), 1:321
Highly active antiretroviral therapy
(HAART), 1:27–29, 30
Hildanus, Fabricius, 2:664
Hilton, James, 2:863
Hilton Head Health Institute, 1:527,
Hilton Head metabolism diet,
Hind milk, 1:127
Hinduism, dietary practices, 2:770,
776, 825t, 826, 953, 958
Hip fractures, 2:762
Hippocrates, 2:716
Hispanic-Americans, 1:38, 529–530
Hispanic and Latino diet, 1:529–531
Histamine, 1:399
Histamine-release food sensitivities,
Hites, R. A., 2:744
HIV.SeeAIDS/HIV infection
Hmong cuisine, 1:81t
Hoechst AG, 1:77
Hofmekler, Ori, 2:997–1000, 1001
Holford, Patrick, 1:245
Holiday routines, ChangeOne diet
and, 1:193
Hollywood diet, 1:531–534
grapefruit diet, 1:481
Mayo Clinic fad diet, 2:654, 655
Holter monitoring, 1:232
Home blood glucose monitoring kits,
Homeopathy, 1:282, 509
choline, 1:214–215, 216
folate, 1:392
French paradox, 1:426
MTHFR gene, 2:718
vitamin B 6 , 2:970
Hoodia, 1:534–537,1:535
HOPE (Heart Outcomes Prevention
Evaluation), 2:985
Hoˆpital du Sacre ́-Coeur de Montre ́al,
Hormone replacement therapy, 2:762
cravings, 1:235
phytochemicals, 2:800

protein, 2:818
weight cycling, 2:1005
Hospice, 1:161
anorexia nervosa, 1:48
bulimia nervosa, 1:135
ketogenic diet, 1:597–599
Hot dog and ice cream diet, 1:219
Howard, Alan, 1:152, 156
Howard Foundation, 1:153
Hughes, Mark, 1:514
Human Genome Project, 2:716,
Human growth hormone (HGH)
abuse, 1:355, 356
Human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV).SeeAIDS/HIV infection
Humectants, 1:397t
Hungarian omelet recipe, 2:777
food security issues, 1:22,
leptin, 2:841–844
Warrior diet, 2:998
See alsoSatiety
Hunter-gatherer diet.See
Neanderthin diet
Hunter-gatherers, 2:699
Hydration recommendations.See
Fluid recommendations
Hydrochloric acid, protein digestion
and, 2:817–818
Hydrochlorothiazide, 1:308
Hydrolysis, protein digestion and,
Hyerlipoproteinemia, 1:540
Hygiene.SeeSanitary practices
Hyperactivity and sugar, 1:537–540,
538 t
See alsoAttention-deficit/hyper-
activity disorder
Hypercalcemia, 1:148, 344, 2:982
Hyperchloremia, 1:345
Hypercholesterolemia, 1:285, 540
See alsoBlood cholesterol
Hyperforin, in St. John’s wort, 2:902,
Hyperglycemia, 1:270, 271
Hyperhydration, 2:1004
Hypericum Depression Trial Study
Group, 2:903
Hypericumgenus, 2:902
Hyperkalemia, 1:344
Hyperlipidemia, 1:285,540–544, 540t
See alsoBlood cholesterol
Hypermagnesemia, 1:345, 2:641–642
Hypernatremia, 1:344, 2:801
Hyperphosphatemia, 1:345
Hypertension, 1:544–546, 544t
in African-Americans, 1:25
childhood obesity, 1:207
DASH diet for, 1:19, 247–252
diuretics for, 1:308

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