Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
Macrobiotic diet, 1:612–613,
2:633–634, 960
Macronutrients, 1:290, 2:634–639, 635t
See alsoCarbohydrates; Fats;
Magnesium, 2:639–643
DASH diet, 1:247–248, 250, 251
diuretics, 1:310
electrolyte imbalance, 1:345
as major mineral, 2:690–691
as menopause supplement, 2:683
osteoporosis, 2:767
recommended amounts, 2:639t
sources, 2:639t, 641
Magnesium deficiency, 1:345, 2:642
Magnesium excess, 1:345, 2:641–642
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
1:159, 233
Mahler, Mike, 2:997, 1000
Maine State Prison, 2:668
Mainstream medicine.See
Conventional medicine
Maitake mushrooms, as cancer-fight-
ing food, 1:165
Maize (Corn), 1:187, 2:697
Major minerals, 2:688, 690–691
See also specific minerals
Make the Connection: 10 Steps to a
Better Body - And a Better Life
(Greene), 1:110
Maker’s diet, 2:643–646
Malabsorption diseases, 1:183
Malaysian cuisine, 1:81
Malnutrition.SeeNutrient deficiency
Malva, 2:802
The Man Plan (LA Weight Loss pro-
gram), 1:607–608
Mandatory labeling information,
Manganese, 2:646–649, 646t, 692
Manganese excess, 2:647
Manganese supplements, 2:648–649
Mannitol, 1:308, 310
MAOIs.SeeMonoamine oxidase
Maple sugar, 2:697
Maple syrup diet, 1:263–264
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD),
Marasmus, 1:151
March of Dimes Birth Defects
Foundation, 1:144
Marginal ulcers,2:944
Margraf, Andreas, 1:173
Marijuana, Rastafarianism and, 2:828
Marjoram, 2:803
Marks, John, 1:156
Marks, Robert, 1:509
Mars, Inc., 1:213
Masa, 1:187, 2:697
Masked food sensitivities, 1:347
Massage therapy for hyperactive
children, 1:539

Master Cleanser diet, 1:263–264
Mastering Food program, 1:296
Mastery over food (Dr. Phil’s diet),
Maxzide, 1:308
May, Jennifer, 1:295
Mayan culture, chocolate in, 1:210,
Maynard, Leonard, 1:50
Mayo, Charles Horace, 2:659
Mayo, William James, 2:659
Mayo, William Worrall, 2:659
Mayo Clinic
DHEA study, 1:268
food contamination, 1:279, 406
high-protein diets, 1:526
history, 2:659
hypertriglyceridemia, 1:549
ketogenic diet, 1:597
orlistat, 2:758, 759
salt consumption study, 1:630
Mayo Clinic diet (fad diet), 1:139,
2:654–658, 660
Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight for
EveryBody(Mayo Clinic), 2:655,
660, 662, 664
Mayo Clinic plan (endorsed by clinic),
2:659–664, 659t
Mazel, Judy, 1:94–96
Mazel dressing, 1:96
McCay, Clive, 1:50
McCord, Holly, 2:788
McElduff, P., 1:424
McGraw, Jay, 1:320
McGraw, Phillip C., 1:320–323
MCL (Movement for Compassionate
Living), 2:953
McLean-Baird, Ian, 1:152
McManus, Kathy, 2:788
Mead Johnson, 2:875
Meal plans
Abs diet, 1:1
Bob Greene’s diet, 1:112
Body for Life diet, 1:114
bodybuilding diet, 1:124–125
British Heart Foundation diet,
cabbage soup diet, 1:140–141
carbohydrate addict’s diet, 1:168
ChangeOne diet, 1:192, 193
Cleveland Clinic 3-day diet,
CSIRO total wellbeing diet, 1:240,
241, 243
DASH diet, 1:248t
detoxification diets, 1:264
diarrhea diet, 1:277
Dietwatch, 1:296
Eating for Life, 1:335
Fat flush diet, 1:361–363
fiber, 1:313
frozen-food diets, 1:429–433
fruitarian diet, 1:441
grapefruit diet, 1:481–483

Hay diet, 1:499
Hilton Head metabolism diet,
ketogenic diet, 1:599
low-protein diet, 1:627
Mayo Clinic fad diet, 2:656
Neanderthin diet, 2:702
pasta-popcorn-chocolate diet, 1:212
peanut butter diet, 2:789
Perricone diet, 2:793
Sacred Heart diet, 2:845–846
Scarsdale diet, 2:851–852
Slim-Fast program, 2:877
Subway diet, 2:907
3-day diet, 2:919–920
veganism, 2:953
Volumetrics plan, 2:995
Weight Loss 4 Idiots, 2:1008–1009
Meal replacement products
Cambridge diet, 1:153–154
Eating for Life, 1:335
Hollywood diet, 1:532, 533
liquid diets, 1:618, 619, 620
Medifast, 2:667–673, 668t
for MSUD, 2:652
Optifast, 1:618, 2:745–749, 745t
Slim-Fast, 2:876t, 877–878
See alsoWeight loss products
Meal schedules.SeeFrequency of
Meals on Wheels Association of
America (MOWAA), 2:862
British Heart Foundation diet,
Caveman diet, 1:180–182
Central American and Mexican
diet, 1:187–188
chicken soup diet, 1:198
childhood nutrition, 1:201
cholesterol, 1:285–286
Communist period consumption,
CSIRO total wellbeing diet, 1:240,
241, 244, 245, 246
DASH diet, 1:248, 248t
gout diet, 1:478, 479, 480
Greek and Middle Eastern diet,
hyperlipidemia, 1:542–543
kidney diet, 2:829–830
labeling regulation, 1:409–410
Mediterranean diet, 2:676
MyPyramid recommendations,
Neanderthin diet, 2:699, 701
Northern European diet, 2:713,
713 t, 714
Pacific Islander diet, 2:784
pantothenic acid in, 2:786
during pregnancy, 2:806
Pritikin diet, 2:811
riboflavin in, 2:834t, 835
Sacred Heart diet, 2:848


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