Scandinavian diet, 2:849
sources, 2:743t, 744
Omega-6 fatty acids
defined, 1:377
LA as, 1:9
Neanderthin diet, 2:704 fatty acids, 2:743
OmniHeart diet, 1:545
Omnivores, human evolution as,
2:770, 776, 951–952, 957
One food diets.SeeMono diets
One Man’s Food - Is Someone Else’s
Poison(D’Adamo), 1:106
The 120-Year Diet(Walford), 1:50
Ongoing weight loss phase (Atkins
diet), 1:85
Onions, 1:275, 2:803
Online programs.SeeInternet
Open gallbladder surgery, 1:447–448
Open pasture animal products, label-
ing of, 2:756
Optifast, 1:618, 2:745–749, 746t
Optima diet plan (Slim-Fast),
2:876–877, 878
Optimum Health Plan, 2:749–752
Optional labeling information, 1:409
Oral antidiabetic agents, 1:274
Oral carcinoma, spirulina and, 2:895
Oral glucose tolerance tests, 1:273
Oral health and nutrition, 1:389–391,
Oral rehydration solutions
dehydration, 1:257
food poisoning, 1:415
giardiasis, 1:455, 457
traveler’s diarrhea, 2:934
Oranges, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 165
Order of food consumption, Beverly
Hills diet and, 1:95
Ordovas, Jose M., 2:716
Oregano, 2:803
Oregon Health and Science
University, 1:53, 221
Oregon Health and Science
University diet, 1:220
Oregon State University, 2:693
Organic dyspepsia, 1:323
Organic food, 2:754–757, 755t
Organic Food Production Act of
1990, 2:755
Organic foods labeling, 1:409, 2:755,
Original 330 Formula (Cambridge
diet), 1:154
Orlistat, 1:281, 282, 2:757–760
Ornish, Dean, 1:252–255, 2:743
Ornish diet.SeeDean Ornish’s Eat
More, Weigh Less
Orthorexia nervosa, 1:331, 2:822–823
Osmitrol (mannitol), 1:308, 310
Osmotic diuretics, 1:308, 309, 310
Osmotic pressure, 1:343
defined, 1:62–63, 62t
glucosamine for, 1:465, 467
treatment, 1:64–65
Osteoblasts, 2:760
Osteomalacia, 2:981
Osteopenia, 1:472
calcium, 1:148, 2:762, 764, 766,
celiac disease, 1:472
copper for, 1:228
menopause, 2:679, 680
women’s nutrition, 2:763–766,
Osteoporosis diet, 2:763–770, 763t,
764 t
Ototoxicity, 1:310
Outpatient programs, bulimia ner-
vosa, 1:135–136
Oven prepared/ready foods, labeling
of, 1:410
Over-the-counter drugs
diet drugs, 2:740, 757, 759
diuretics, 1:308–309, 310–311
ephedra alkaloids in, 1:352
preservatives for, 1:69, 73
abundance of food, 2:864–865
childhood obesity, 1:203
oral health, 2:753
Warrior diet cycles, 2:997–999
See alsoBinge eating
BMI, 1:121
coronary heart disease, 1:232
gallstones, 1:445–446
by racial/ethnic group, 1:23t
as term, 1:202
See alsoObesity
Ovolactovegetarianism, 1:612,
2:770–775, 957
Ovovegetarianism, 2:775–780, 957
Oxidation, 1:59, 69
Oxidative stress, 1:11, 59
Oz, Mehmet, 2:743
P57 appetite suppressant, 1:535, 536
Pacific Islander American diet,
Pacific Islander diet, 2:783–785
Pacifier caries, 2:753
The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get
Healthy by Eating the Food You
Were Designed to Eat(Courdain),
Paleolithic period
foods in, 1:179, 2:699
Shangri-la diet, 2:864–865
Warrior diet, 2:997–998, 999, 1001
See alsoCaveman diet;
Neanderthin diet
Palliative care, for cancer patients,
Palmetto, 2:802
Palmitic acid, in chocolate, 1:210
Pamabrom, 1:309, 310, 311
Pancha karma, 1:261, 590
Pancreas transplantation, 1:274–275
Pancreatitis, 1:300, 304, 305
Pantothenic acid, 2:785–788, 786t,
990 t, 991
Pantothenic acid deficiency, 2:787
Pantothenic acid supplements,
Papayas, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 165
Paprika, 2:803
Paraguayan cuisine, 2:887
Parasitic food contamination, 1:405,
Parasitic traveler’s diarrhea, 2:933
Parasympathetic nervous system,
Warrior diet and, 2:999
Parathyroid hormone, 2:762, 980
Parent involvement
Dr. Feingold diet, 1:319, 320
nutrition literacy, 2:735–736
Trim Kids program, 2:938, 939
Parenteral nutrition, for cancer
patients, 1:161
Parkinson’s disease, 1:53, 629
Parsley, 2:803
Partial hospitalization programs,
1:48, 135
Partial hydrogenation of oils, 1:377,
Partners in Integrative Medicine
(PIM), 1:493
Passionflower, 2:802
Pasta-Popcorn-Chocolate diet, 1:211,
212, 213, 214
Patient education, 2:682, 850
See alsoSelf-education
Paul (apostle), 2:828
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 1:497
PBC (primary biliary cirrhosis), 1:300,
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome),
The PDR Family Guide to Natural
Medicines and Healing Therapies,
Peak bone mass, 2:767–768
Peanut allergies, 1:401, 402
Peanut butter contamination inci-
dent, 1:418
Peanut butter diet, 2:788–791
Peanuts, 1:426
Pear body shapes, 2:739
Pectins, sources of, 1:313
Pediatrics(journal), 1:79
Pellagra, 2:709, 711