Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

individuals with other medical conditions should also
note Greene’s warning regarding the importance of
consulting their physician before undertaking the
physical hunger experiment.


Greene’s diet plan does not pose any risks to
health for users who have had a recent medical
checkup and have consulted their health care provider
about specific forms of exercise.

Research and general acceptance

His educational background in exercise physiol-
ogy adds credibility to his insistence on physical activ-
ity as an integral part of a long-term weight loss or
weight maintenance regimen.

Most references to Bob Greene’s diet are in pop-
ular print media—daily newspapers and monthly
women’s magazines with wide circulations—rather
than medical or nutritional journals. Although Greene
does not publicize his associations with celebrities, his
websites as well as newspaper and magazine articles
always emphasize that he is Oprah Winfrey’s personal
trainer. Crediting Winfrey as the co-author of his first
book is generally regarded as the key to Greene’s rapid
success in the late 1990s.

There are no published reports on clinical trials of
Bob Greene’s diet plan as of 2007. Reviews of the diet
plan by professional nutritionists are generally favor-
able; they typically describe it as a simple program that
establishes the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy
living. The programs are easy to follow and include
dietary guidelinesaligned with those recommended
by the USDA. Greene is realistic about the difficulty
of long-term weight loss and up-front about the com-
mitment required to make long-term changes.

On the other hand, some nutritionists point out
that Greene’s diets require a greater time commitment

for journaling and exercise than most people can man-
age on a regular basis.

Greene, Bob W.The Best Life Diet. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 2006.
Greene, Bob W.Bob Greene’s Total Body Makeover. New
York: Simon & Schuster, 2005.
Greene, Bob W.Get with the Program!: Getting Real about
Your Health, Weight, and Emotional Well-Being. New
York: Simon & Schuster, 2002.
Greene, Bob W.The Get with the Program! Guide to Fast
Food and Family Restaurants. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 2004.
Greene, Bob W.The Get with the Program! Guide to Good
Eating. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.
Greene, Bob W.Keep the Connection: Choices for a Better
Body and a Healthier Life. New York: Hyperion, 1999.
Greene, Bob W., and Oprah Winfrey.Make the Connection:
Ten Steps to a Better Body—and a Better Life. New
York: Hyperion, 1996.
Baldacci, Leslie. ‘‘Oprah’s Trainer Asks What Candy
Means.’’Chicago Sun-Times(November 21, 2006): 44.
Eller, Daryn. ‘‘Food to Go: Have It Your Way; When It
Comes to Restaurant Eating, Bob Greene Says the
Choice Is Yours.’’Muscle & Fitness/Hers(December
2003): 54.
The Best Life Diet. Website:<http://www.thebestlife.com>.
Get with the Program!.Website:<http://www.getwiththe
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). P.O. Box
1440, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1440. Telephone: (317)
637-9200. Website:<http://www.acsm.org>.
American Council on Exercise (ACE). 4851 Paramount
Drive, San Diego, CA 92123. Telephone: (858) 279-

  1. Website:http://www.acefitness.org.

Rebecca J. Frey, PhD

Body for Life diet
Body for Life is a 12-week diet and rigorous exer-
cise program designed by former competitive body-
builder Bill Phillips. The program promises those who
follow it faithfully that after 12 weeks they will not
only have lost about 25 lb (10 kg) if they are


 What do you like and dislike about Bob
Greene’s programs?
 What is your opinion regarding the amount of
exercise recommended?
 What aspects of these programs worked for other

Body for Life diet
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