Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
and the presence of fat and protein in the stomach.
This rate of absorption is a critical factor in maintain-
ing energy levels, reducing body fat, and maintaining
overall health.
Carbohydrates are often referred to as either sim-
ple or complex. A bodybuilding diet contains both
simple and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohy-
drates have a chemical structure composed of three or
more sugars. They provide energy that is sustained
over time. Simple carbohydrates have a chemical struc-
ture composed of one or two sugars and provide quick
but short-lasting energy. A bodybuilding diet contains
mostly complex carbohydrates eaten throughout the
day. Simple carbohydrates are eaten immediately
after working out to aid in faster recuperation and
repair of muscles. Complex carbohydrates are found
in whole-grain bread, pasta, cereal, beans, and most
vegetables. Simple carbohydrates are found in fruit and
sugary foods such as candy, juice, and sport drinks.
There are two other ways bodybuilding diets clas-
sify carbohydrates besides the simple and complex
designations: glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load.
The GI measures the quality rather than the quantity
of carbohydrates found in food. Quality refers to how
quickly blood sugar levels are raised following eating.
The standard for GI is white bread, which is assigned
an index value of 100. Other foods are compared to
the standard to arrive at their ratings. The higher the
GI number, the faster blood sugar increases when that
particular food is consumed. A high GI is 70 and
greater, a medium GI is 56–69, and a low GI value is
55 or less. The GI is not a straightforward formula
when it comes to reducing blood sugar levels. Various
factors affect the GI value of a specific food, such as
how the food is prepared (boiled, baked, saute ́ed, or
fried, for example) and what other foods are con-
sumed with it. Foods that are readily broken down
and absorbed by the body are typically high on the GI.
Foods that are digested slower, such as hose high in
fiber, have a lower GI value.
In 1997, epidemiologist and nutritionist Walter
Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health devel-
oped the glycemic load as a more useful way of rating
carbohydrates compared to the glycemic index. The
glycemic load factors in the amount of a food eaten
whereas the glycemic index does not. The glycemic
load of a particular food or meal is determined by
multiplying the amount of net carbohydrates in a
serving by the glycemic index and dividing that num-
ber by 100. Net carbohydrates are determined by tak-
ing the amount of total carbohydrates and subtracting
the amount of dietary fiber. For example, popcorn has
a glycemic index of 72, which is considered high, but a

serving of two cups has 10 net carbs for a glycemic
load of seven, which is considered low.
PROTEIN.Muscle is composed primarily of pro-
tein andwater. Protein builds muscle mass but not
all protein consumed in the diet goes directly to
muscle. Adequate consumption of protein helps pre-
serve muscle tissue and enhance recovery from stren-
uous weight-bearing workouts. Since weight-bearing
exercises cause significant damage to muscle tissue, the
subsequent repair and growth of muscle requires a
recovery period of at least 24 hours. If an inadequate
amount of protein is consumed, muscle mass will suf-
fer along with a decrease inmetabolism. Most body-
building diets recommend 1–1.5 grams of protein per
day for each pound of lean body mass (body weight
minus body fat). Daily consumption of more than 3g
per kilogram body mass can lead to serious health prob-
lems, especially kidney damage. Protein is found in lean
meat, poultry, and fish, eggs, tofu, andsoyproducts.
FATS.Fat in a diet is needed to maintain a healthy
metabolism. There are four types of fat: saturated,
trans, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated. Satu-
rated and trans fats are limited because high consump-
tion is a risk factor for heart disease,obesity, high
cholesterol, diabetes, and some cancers. Sources of
saturated and trans fats are butter, whole milk prod-
ucts, fried foods, shortening, and coconut, palm, and
other tropical oils. Meat with visible fat is also a source
of saturated fat. Monounsaturated and polyunsatu-
rated fats are good fats because they lower the risks of
heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity.
These fats are derived from avocados, most nuts, fish,
flax, and olive, canola, peanut, safflower, corn, sun-
flower, soybean, and cottonseed oils.
Two other important factors in the bodybuilding
diet are water and the number and timing of meals.
Bodybuilding diets suggest drinking at least eight
eight-ounce glasses of water a day. In addition, body-
builders drink about a quarter cup of water every
fifteen minutes during their workout. Water helps
control appetite and drinking cold water increases
The number and content of meals is important as
is the timing and quality of foods, especially just
before and just after workouts. An efficient way to
burn fat is to elevate the body’s metabolism. The
process of digesting meals burns calories in itself, so
a concept of this diet is to eat more frequently to make
the process more efficient. Most bodybuilding diets
recommend consuming six to eight smaller meals a
day, starting with breakfast. Carbohydrates are
important right after a workout because the body’s

Bodybuilding diet

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