Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
For many people these amounts might be enough to
meet the minimum requirements. Vegetables are an
especially important part of any weight loss plan, as
well as part of any healthy diet, because they are often
low in calories but have high volume, which can help
a dieter feel full and satisfied while eating fewer
The British Heart Foundation diet may also meet
the recommendations for fruit. MyPyramid recom-
mends that healthy adults eat the equivalent of 1 1/2
to 2 cups of fruit per day. 1 cup of fruit is equivalent to
1 small apple, or 1 large orange. This diet includes two
different types of fruit each day, one at breakfast and
one at dinner. This may meet the recommendations for
most people.
Dairy products are generally considered to be part
of a healthy diet. MyPyramid recommends the equiv-
alent of 3 cups of low-fat or non-fat dairy each day for
healthy adults. The British Heart Foundation Diet
would not meet this recommendation. The diet pro-
vides dairy, about half of which is in the form of four
ounces of ice cream eaten each night. Ice cream is not
considered an optimal way to get required dairy, as it
is often high in fat. The diet also does not provide
enough dairy, and because the dieter is not allowed
to drink skim milk while on the diet there is no way for
the dieter to increase dairy intake while still strictly
following to the diet.
MyPyramid recommends that healthy adults eat
the equivalent of 3 to 4 ounces of grains each day, of
which at least half should be whole grains. This is
equivalent to about one piece of whole grain bread.
The British Heart Foundation diet would provide
about two servings of grains per day. These are in the
form of toast and crackers, which are not specified as
whole grain. This would not meet the MyPyramid
The MyPyramid recommendation for the meat
and beans group is that healthy adults eat between 5
and 6 1/2 ounces of food from this group each day.
One egg or one tablespoon of peanut butter are equiv-
alent to about one ounce from this group. The British
Heart Foundation diet may provide dieters with
enough servings from this food group.
The diet requires dieters to drink five eight-ounce
glasses of water each day, and nothing else except for
the drinks required by the meal plan. Generally it is
recommended that adults drink eight eight-ounce
glasses of water each day, so this diet would not meet
this recommendation.
The British Heart Foundation diet does not
include any recommendations for exercise. In 2007,

the Center for Disease Control recommended that
healthy adults get at least 30 minutes per day of light
to moderate exercise. Regular exercise has been shown
to have many health benefits including decreasing the
risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, studies
have shown that regular exercise can help dieters man-
age their weight. Plans that include diet and exercise
together have been shown to help dieters lose more
weight than just diet or exercise done alone.

Shannon, Joyce Brennfleck ed.Diet and Nutrition Source-
book.Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 2006.
Willis, Alicia P. ed.Diet Therapy Research Trends.New
York: Nova Science, 2007.
American Dietetic Association. 120 South Riverside Plaza,
Suite 2000, Chicago, Illinois 60606-6995. Telephone:
(800) 877-1600. Website:<http://www.eatright.org>
British Heart Foundation2007.<http://www.bhf.org.uk>
(April 7, 2007).
Get the Skinny on Diets2007.<http://www.skinnyondiets
.com>(March 26, 2007).

Helen M. Davidson

Bulimia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves
repeatedbinge eatingfollowed by purging the body of
calories to avoid gaining weight. The person who has
bulimia has an irrational fear of gaining weight and a
distorted body image. Bulimia nervosa can have
potentially fatal health consequences.

Bulimia is an eating disorder whose main feature
is eating an unreasonably large amount of food in a
short time, then following this binge by purging the
body of calories. Purging is most often done by self-
induced vomiting, but it can also be done by laxative,
enema, or diuretic abuse. Alternately, some people
with bulimia do not purge but use extreme exercising
and post-binge fasting to burn calories. This can lead
to serious injury. Nonpurging bulimia is sometimes
called exercise bulimia. Bulimia nervosa is officially
recognized as a psychiatric disorder in theDiagnostic

Bulimia nervosa

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