Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

lose weight by eating high-carb foods only once a day.
The diet is less strict than the Atkinslow-carb diet
since it allows for one meal a day with three equal
portions of foods high in carbohydrates, high in pro-
tein, and low in carbohydrates. The carbohydrate
addict’s diet is suitable for vegetarians (though not
vegans) since it allows for low-fat cheeses, egg whites,
egg substitutes, and tofu.

Like any strict diet, the carbohydrate addict’s diet
should be undertaken with the supervision of a doctor.
People with diabetes should consult an endocrinologist,
who may recommend discussing the diet with a dieti-
tian. Persons considering the carbohydrate addict’s diet
should ask their doctors if they need to take any vita-
min, mineral, or nutritional supplements, based on
their overall health and any specific medical conditions
they may have.

There are no general health risks associated with
the carbohydrate addict’s diet. Critics of the diet claim
it contains too much fat, is not nutritionally balanced,
and is not a long-term solution for losing weight and
keeping it off. It may be difficult for people to main-
tain a low-carb diet over the long-term. The diet is not
recommended for women who are pregnant or nurs-
ing. Individuals who have a history of stroke, diabetes,
heart disease, high cholesterol, or kidney stones
should talk to their doctor before starting any low-
carb diet.

Research and general acceptance
There is mixed acceptance of the carbohydrate
addict’s diet and low-carb diets in general by the med-
ical community and dietitians. Some studies have
shown low-carb diets can be effective in controlling
blood sugar levels in diabetics and in helping people
lose weight. Other studies have contradicted these
findings. No major studies or research has shown
that low-carb diets are harmful to a person’s health;
however most professional organizations do not sup-
port low-carb diets.

A 2003 study by researchers at the University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that a low-
carb diet produced a greater weight loss than a con-
ventional low-calorie,low-fat dietafter six months.
However, after one year, the two diets produced sim-
ilar weight loss results. A 2004 study by the same
medical center found that both a low-carb and con-
ventional diet produced similar weight loss results

after one year but that a low-carb diet improved the
health of people with atherogenic dyslipidemia, a cho-
lesterol disorder characterized by the elevation of tri-
glycerides and a decrease in ‘‘good cholesterol’’ high-
density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in the blood. This
lipid disorder is associated with an increased risk of
developing cardiovascular disease. Also, individuals
participating in the study had better control of blood
sugar levels.

Heller, Richard F., and Rachael F. Heller.Carbohydrate-
Addicted Kids: Help Your Child or Teen Break Free of
Junk Food and Sugar Cravings—For Life!New York:
Harper Paperback, 1998.
Heller, Richard F., and Rachael F. Heller.The Carbohydrate
Addict’s Carbohydrate Counter. New York: Signet,
Heller, Richard F., and Rachael F. Heller.The Carbohydrate
Addict’s Diet. New York: Vermilion, 2000.
Heller, Richard F., and Rachael F. Heller.The Carbohydrate
Addict’s Healthy Heart Program: Break Your Carbo-
Insulin Connection to Heart Disease. New York: Bal-
lantine Books, 2000.
Heller, Richard F., and Rachael F. Heller.The Carbohydrate
Addict’s LifeSpan Program. New York: Signet, 2001.
Heller, Richard F., and Rachael F. Heller.The Carbohydrate
Addict’s 7-Day Plan: Start Fresh On Your Low-Carb
Diet!New York: Signet, 2004.
Heller, Richard F., and Rachael F. Heller.The Carbohydrate
Addict’s No Cravings Cookbook. New York: NAL
Trade, 2006.
Scales, Mary Josephine.Diets in a Nutshell. Clifton, VA:
Apex Publishers, 2005.
Baron, Melissa. ‘‘Fighting Obesity: Part 1: Review of Pop-
ular Low-Carb Diets.’’Health Care Food & Nutrition
Focus(October 2004): 5.
Belden, Heidi. ‘‘Sticks and Kidney Stones; As Low-Carb,
High-Protein Diets Grow in Popularity, the Risk of


 Which dietary supplements do you recommend
for the carbohydrate addict’s diet?
 What are the health risks involved with this diet?
 What other diets you would recommend to help
me accomplish my weight loss goals?
 Have you treated other patients on the
carbohydrate addict’s diet? If so, what has been
their response to the diet?

Carbohydrate addict’s diet
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