Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
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Tish Davidson, A.M.

Denise Austin Fit Forever

Denise Austin’s Fit Forever is an Internet based
diet and exercise program that focuses on developing a
personalized plan for healthy eating and an active
lifestyle. Individuals who join the Fit Forever program
receive customized exercise regimens based on their
body type; daily meal plans and recipes; as well as
motivational assistance in the form or support groups,
testimonials, and information on creating a healthier


Denise Austin was born on February 13, 1957, and
grew up in San Pedro, California. She attended the Uni-
versity of Arizona on an athletic scholarship and then
earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physical Education
from California State University, Long Beach in 1979.
After college, Austin’s interest in exercise and fitness
continued and she became an aerobics instructor in Los
Angeles. She soon began hosting her own exercise pro-
gram on local television. Her popularity grew and she
quickly became a national fitness personality. In 2002
she was appointed to the President’s Council on Physical
Fitness and Sports, and she helped the United States
Department of Agriculture to develop MyPyramid and
primarily serves as a spokesperson for the food guidance
system that replaced the Food Guide Pyramid in 2005.
Austin has sold more than 20 million exercise videos and
DVDs, and written nine books. She also writes a regular
column inPreventionmagazine, and appears in two daily
fitness shows on theLifetimetelevision channel.
With Fit Forever, Austin continues to try to help
people become more fit, more active, and enjoy better
overall health. Through the Web site she delivers many
different tips, inspirational messages, and guidelines
to help people personalize their program.


Denise Austin’s Fit Forever program operates
primarily online. It is intended to help guide individu-
als through the weight loss process educating them on
proper nutrition, exercise, and general healthy life-
styles. It is also intended to help people maintain
their new healthy lifestyle once it has been achieved.
The Fit Forever program has two main components,
diet and exercise. Each provides many options so that
it can be tailored to meet an individual’s specific needs.
The diet plan offers choices of diets that provide
1,400, 1,600, or 1,800 calories a day based on an indi-
vidual’s weight loss goals and activity level. Meal plans
for each day are provided, as are shopping lists associ-
ated with the meal plans. Substitutions are allowed
whenever they are desired, as long as each day’s total
caloric intake is on target. Austin provides her own diet
philosophy that involves six aspects of healthy eating:
Control portions
Maximize fiber
Savor good fat
Boost fruits and vegetables
Hone in on hunger
Change behaviors

Denise Austin Fit Forever

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