The proprietary software provides
individuals with information on their body mass
index(BMI) and offers diet plans based on the data
entered. From the data provided in the member’s
profile, the program generates a meal guide that tar-
gets the member’s optimal calorie intake to lose
weight. A shopping list and recipe recommendations
simplify food preparation. Additionally, members can
switch from one weight-loss program to another at
any time (such as from the New Mediterranean Diet
to Atkins) while maintaining the other features and
programs associated with their eDiets membership.
An eDiets membership offers a wide array of sup-
port methods, meal preferences, fitness programs, and
other features that help individuals stay motivated to
reach their weight loss goals. The low monthly mem-
bership fee is attractive, typically half the cost of join-
ing a local program such asWeight Watchers.
The option of adjusting the meal plan to accom-
modate eating habits is a great benefit. Menus can
include convenience foods (including fast-food), self-
prepared meals, or both. They can also be modified to
account for special diets or dietary restrictions. A
prepared shopping list that corresponds to the menu
selections adds to the ease.
An important advantage is the fitness program
component. A customized workout is created based
on an individual’s lifestyle, age, and other personal
information provided. The option to work one-on-
one with a trainer or have more personalized fitness
plans developed are available for an additional
monthly fee.
Member support is an significant part of eDiets.
The website offers six different support areas:
Support Groups—Over 120 specialized groups cover
age groups, language spoken, women’s issues, rela-
tionships, type of diet, etc.
Mentor Program—New members are paired with
existing members for 30 days of one-on-one support
and guidance.
Chat Rooms—24-hour communication with other
members as well as online meetings are available,
an additional monthly fee is usually required.
Experts—A panel of experts moderate online sup-
port groups and meetings, provide feedback to indi-
vidual members, and write articles for the eDiets
Circle of Winners—Small support groups created by
members to find other members with similar needs or
Success Stories—Members share their success with to offer inspiration to other members.
As with any weight loss program, it is important
to talk with a physician about the intended changes. A
disclaimer on states that the advice and
recommendations on the website are not intended to
be medical advice or take the place of a physician’s
advice. Recommendations for diet plans, optimal
weight loss, and exercise programs on the website are
calculated using a proprietary software program. They
are based on data provided by the individual and,
therefore, are only as accurate as the information
entered. It is imperative to be honest when entering
the requested data.
If an individual already has an ideal weight, the
program indicates additional weight loss is not neces-
sary. However, the individual may choose to join in
order to improve their eating habits and/or fitness
In general, members should use the eDiets website
with the same caution as other websites. Articles and
information presented should be reviewed for time-
liness and reliability. Members must be careful when
providing personal identification information, espe-
cially in e-mail or chat rooms with other members.
Members who falsify their identity are a possibility.
Risks related to using are minimal.
When registering for membership, individuals should
carefully review the terms and conditions. Dissatisfied
members complain about poor customer service and
difficulty canceling membership. They also cite frus-
tration with identifying plan pricing and fees for sev-
eral features on the website.
Before beginning any of the diet plans or exercise
programs individuals should talk with a physician to
identify risks specific to the type of diet or exercise
Research and general acceptance
The University of Vermont Department of Nutri-
tion and Food Sciences has performed several studies
on the effectiveness of commercial online weight loss
programs versus more traditional weight loss pro-
grams. Between February 2003 and March 2005 they