Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
from the fat smash in that it requires organizing the
day around meals and exercise:
The diet is very specific and must be followed exactly.
Meals and snacks are on a schedule that must be
followed exactly.
Meals are simple but repetitive.
The diet includes increased fiber and foods with a
lower glycemic index (GI) to stabilize blood sugar
It includes a 40-minute workout with a specific exer-
cise program for conditioning the heart, muscles, and
The bookExtreme Fat Smash Dietincludes:
75 simple recipes for easily-prepared meals
tips and strategies for sticking to the diet
a newly designed maintenance plan
meal plans and corresponding journal pages.
The extreme fat smash diet consists of three one-
week cycles:
The first cycle is a very strict diet with a set menu.
Some fruits, such as bananas and pineapples, are
The second cycle adds back some fruit, bread, and
peanut butter that were not allowed in the first week.
The third cycle, although still a strict diet, is more
At the end of the three weeks, the dieter has the
option of repeating the three cycles to lose more
weight or of entering the maintenance phase. The
same cycle cannot be followed for two weeks in a row.
There is an extensive snack food list that includes:
Unlike the original fat smash, the cycles are
adjusted for individual body types, dieting profiles,
and weight-loss goals of 5 lb (2.3 kg), 10 lb (4.5 kg),
or 15 lb (7 kg) and up. For example an active person
who has healthy eating habits but still can’t lose weight
increase the cardiovascular exercise by 10 minutes on
some days
reduce the carbohydrate option by one-half cup on
some days
consume fewer calories.

The fat smash diet is designed to make small but
significant adjustments in food consumption and in
attitudes toward food and physical activity. It can be
followed easily by vegetarians and vegans as well as
meat lovers. It is a diet for people who eat too much
junk food and are not used to exercising very much;
for people who need to lose anywhere from 50–100 lb
(23–46 kg) or more. It is probably too strict a diet for
active people with only a few pounds to lose.
The extreme fat smash diet is for people who want
to lose 10–25 lb (4.5–11 kg) in a healthy manner in a
short period of time and to maintain the weight loss.

The fat smash diet is a healthy, well-balanced, and
flexible plan. It is a sustainable diet that allows unlim-
ited fruits and vegetables and relies on regular inexpen-
sive foods. Its calorie control, via portion control, and
emphasis on exercise should lead to weight loss. Smith
claims that people can lose from 6—10 lb (3—5 kg)
during phase 1. He further claims that the fat smash
detoxifies the body
promotes rapid weight loss
teaches sustainable weight-maintenance skills
reduces the risk of diet-related disease
leads to a healthier lifestyle.
Portion control is a key to the fat smash diet and
Smith claims that even people who eat unhealthy
foods can lose 10–15 lb (5–7 kg) in a year by practicing
portion control—eating smaller meals that still satisfy
hunger—without making any other changes.

The fat smash diet may be difficult for some peo-
ple to adhere to, particularly during the nine-day
detoxification phase. The weight loss in phase 1 is
due to its severecalorie restriction. There is little
allowance for occasional indulgences. Eating out is
almost impossible during phases 1 and 2. The recipes
in the book are sometimes inconsistent, with some
phase 1 recipes containing prohibited ingredients.
The extreme fat smash may be too extreme and
inflexible for many people.

The fat smash plan is a healthy well-balanced diet
that should have few health risks. The extreme fat

Fat smash diet

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