The benefits of following an elimination diet
to prevent symptoms of food allergies include avoid-
ing the discomfort of symptoms such as itching, stom-
ach upset, and diarrhea. For individuals with severe
food allergies, following an elimination diet may be
If food allergy is suspected, it is best to consult a
doctor. Removing foods from the diet can cause an
unbalanced diet that may be deficient in necessary
nutrients. Since some of the most common foods that
cause allergies include milk, eggs, and wheat, signifi-
cant sources of protein, calcium and fiber may be
removed. With the assistance of healthcare profes-
sions, diets may be modified and healthy substitutions
may be found.
Food allergy is becoming more common in chil-
dren. Food allergies in children may be more severe.
Anaphylaxis generally occurs suddenly. Symptoms of
food may initially be more subtle in children. It is
important to discuss any suspected food allergies
with a doctor.
Most individuals with food allergy are allergic to
only one food; however, peanut allergy may indicate
reaction to tree nuts as well. Many manufacturers who
process peanut products, process other nut products
as well. Machines that handle and package these prod-
ucts may spread small pieces of peanut to other prod-
ucts. The FALPCA mandates that labels note this fact
as well.
Risks of food allergy range from minor discom-
fort to death. Allergic reactions to food are serious and
should be discussed with a doctor. Food allergy can
come on suddenly. A food that did not previously
cause a reaction may suddenly cause a severe reaction
as the levels of antibodies in the body increase and
allergy develops.
If food allergy is suspected, or if an allergic reac-
tion has occurred, a doctor should be consulted. It
may be necessary to keep an auto–injector of epi-
nephrine on hand in case a sudden allergic reaction
occurs again. These antihistamine injectors require a
prescription and should only be used if a doctor has
advised it.
There are few risks of following an elimination
diet. However, a doctor should be consulted before
eliminating foods rich in necessary nutrients such as
milk, eggs, or bread. Suitable substitutions should be
incorporated to insure that all necessary vitamins and
minerals are maintained in the diet. Many children
have food allergies. It is especially important to main-
tain a balanced diet in children during the important
years of development.
Individuals following a special diet to treat other
medical conditions should consult with a doctor
before altering that diet. Eliminating foods from a
previously prescribed diet may aggravate a medical
condition and may be harmful.
Research and general acceptance
General acceptance
The elimination diet is standard treatment for
preventing allergic reactions to food once food allergy
has been diagnosed. Virtually all doctors agree and
there is much data to support the effectiveness of an
elimination diet.
Some individuals report food sentivities. Food
sensitivity is more subtle than food allergy and rarely
causes anaphylaxis. Many people report being sensi-
tive to a variety of foods and food additives. Food
sensitivity is less well understood than food allergy.
However, the numbers of individuals reporting food
sensitivity is increasing, especially in the Western
world. In response, there are more studies investigat-
ing food sensitivity.
Some doctors doubt the validity of claims of multi-
ple food sensitivities. Food allergy has been well studied
and well documented. Most individuals with a food
allergy are allergic to only one food. Many people
with food sensitivities report reactions to many foods.
These reactions are sometimes vague but can be marked
and significant. Reported symptoms of food sensitivity
stomach upset
chronic diarrhea
inflammation of the joints
hyperactivity (especially in children)
Children may be affected by food sensitivity.
Many parents report changes in behavior after a
child has eaten a food for which they may be sentitive.
Currently, researchers are investigating the role of
diet, food allergy, and food sensitivity in children
Food allergies