body 150 calories to digest it, and the net 250 calories
taken into the body will be stored as fat.
The Negative Calorie diet contains more than 100
foods which are considered negative calorie. These are
mostly fruits and vegetables that are high infiber.
Some of the vegetables include: asparagus, beets, broc-
coli, cabbage, celery, chilies, garlic, lettuce, spinach,
and zucchini. Some fruits considered negative calorie
include: apples, grapefruits, lemons, oranges, and
There are 3 diet plans that a dieter can select from,
depending on how fast the dieter wants to lose weight.
Also provided are a variety of recipes and suggestions
for how to continue to include negative calorie foods
in the diet once the desired weight loss has been
The diet says that eating these negative calorie
foods can actually increase the body’smetabolism.
The e-book also includes other suggestions for how
the dieter can increase his or her metabolism. One
suggestion is breathing better and more deeply. The
diet says that this will increase metabolism and let the
body rid itself of toxins. The diet also provides a set of
exercises. It claims that the three exercises provided
will tone 85% of the body’s muscles. These exercises
are recommended to be done for 15 minutes, three
times a week.
The Negative Calorie diet is intended to help diet-
ers lose a lot of weight very quickly. It says that dieters
can lose up to 14 pounds in 7 days by following the diet
strictly. It also includes exercise recommendations that
are intended to help the dieter tone their body. After
the dieter has reached their desired weight the Nega-
tive Calorie diet suggests that it be repeated as needed
to help maintain weight loss. It also says that during
this period the negative calorie food should be
included into the dieters usual diet to help promote
continued health and ensure that the weight is not
The Negative Calorie diet claims that dieters can
lose up to 14 pounds in 7 days. Although this has not
been proven, there are many benefits to a diet that
includes many of the foods on the negative calorie list.
Eating a diet that includes many different fruits and
vegetables will provide a dieter with manyvitamins
andmineralsthat are important to good health.
Including many of the foods listed as negative
calorie foods may be able to help promote weight
loss if part of an otherwise balanced and healthy diet.
This is because foods that are low in calories, but full
of fiber, can make the dieter feel fuller after eating
fewer calories, and because fibrous foods may take
longer for the stomach to break down, they may help
the dieter to feel full longer. There are many benefits to
losing weight if it is done at a moderate pace through
healthy eating and increased exercise.Obesityis asso-
ciated with an increased risk of type II diabetes, car-
diovascular disease, and many other diseases and
conditions. Losing weight can reduce the risks of
these and other obesity-related diseases as well as
may be able reduce the severity of the symptoms if
the diseases have already occurred.
Anyone thinking of beginning a new diet should
consult a medical practitioner. Requirements of calo-
ries, fat, and nutrients can differ significantly from
person to person, depending on gender, age, weight,
and many other factors such as the presence of any
diseases or conditions. Pregnant or breastfeeding
women should be especially cautious, because defi-
ciencies of vitamins or minerals can have a significant
negative impact on a baby. Women beginning the
Calorie—A measurement of the energy content of
food, also known as a large calorie, equal to 1000
scientific calories.
Diabetes mellitus—A condition in which the body
either does not make or cannot respond to the
hormone insulin. As a result, the body cannot use
glucose (sugar). There are two types, type 1 or
juvenile onset and type 2 or adult onset.
Dietary supplement—A product, such as a vitamin,
mineral, herb, amino acid, or enzyme, that is
intended to be consumed in addition to an individ-
ual’s diet with the expectation that it will improve
Mineral—An inorganic substance found in the
earth that is necessary in small quantities for the
body to maintain a health. Examples: zinc, copper,
Vitamin—A nutrient that the body needs in small
amounts to remain healthy but that the body cannot
manufacture for itself and must acquire through
Negative calorie diet