As B approaches A, the gradient of
AB approaches orconvergesto. 2
A() 11 ,¡
f(x) = x¡¡ 2
B,(x x )¡ 2
A() 11 ,¡
f(x) = x¡¡ 2
A tangent at A
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4
Introduction to differential calculus (Chapter 13) 339
Thegradient of the tangentto y=f(x) at x=a is theinstantaneous rate of changein f(x) with
respect toxat that point.
Discovery 2 The gradient of a tangent#endboxedheading
Given a curve f(x), we wish to find the gradient of the
tangent at the point (a,f(a)).
In this Discovery we find the gradient of the tangent to
f(x)=x^2 at the point A(1,1).
What to do:
1 Suppose B lies on f(x)=x^2 , and B has coordinates (x,x^2 ).
x Point B gradient of AB
5 (5,25) 6
1 : 5
1 : 1
1 : 01
1 : 001
a Show that the chord AB has gradient
x^2 ¡ 1
x¡ 1
b Copy and complete the table shown.
c Comment on the gradient of AB asxgets closer to 1.
2 Repeat the process lettingxget closer to 1 , but from the left of A. Use the points where
x=0, 0 : 8 , 0 : 9 , 0 : 99 , and 0 : 999.
3 Click on the icon to view a demonstration of the process.
4 What do you suspect is the gradient of the tangent at A?
Fortunately we do not have to use a graph and table of values each time we wish to find the gradient of a
tangent. Instead we can use an algebraic and geometric approach which involveslimits.
FromDiscovery 2, the gradient of AB=
x^2 ¡ 1
x¡ 1
As B approaches A, x! 1 and
the gradient of AB!the gradient of the tangent at A.
So, the gradient of the tangent at the point A is
mT= lim
x! 1
x^2 ¡ 1
x¡ 1
= lim
x! 1
(x+ 1)(x¡1)
x¡ 1
= lim
x! 1
(x+1) since x 6 =1
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