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the close of Israel's national history the writer passes in review the leading characteristics.
The Divine calling of Israel; their defection, rapidly growing into open idolatry; the
warnings of the prophets sent to them, and their neglect; the hardening of heart, leading
up to the utmost corruption in religion, morals, and life - such, with a brief reflection on
Judah's kindred guilt and danger, is the summary presented to us of this history in its
spiritual aspect. Scarcely on any other occasion does the sacred writer allow himself
reflections of this kind. But they are appropriate, and almost needful, at the close of a
history which relates events in their bearing on the kingdom of God, and views Israel as a
nation called to be the servants and the messengers of the Lord. They explain the inner
meaning of God's dealings in the past, and the deeper causes of a rejection and an exile
which cannot end till Israel and Judah, no longer hostile nor separate, shall in one
common repentance turn to seek Jehovah their God and the Son of David their King.