Understanding Third World Politics

(backadmin) #1


The Idea of a ‘Third World’


Since this chapter examines a controversy over the label ‘Third World’ it is
appropriate to begin with a definition. In order to identify the subject-matter of
this book, to convey the diversity of the social and economic conditions found
within the Third World, and to provide an outline of the major changes taking
place in Third World countries, an indication of the key characteristics of Third
World status must be given. For the purpose of this survey the Third World will
be defined as a group of countries which have colonial histories and which are
in the process of developing economically and socially from a status charac-
terized by low incomes, dependence on agriculture, weakness in trading rela-
tions, social deprivation for large segments of society, and restricted political
and civil liberties. This definition acknowledges the process of change and
therefore the likely diversity of countries within the group.
The following sketch of Third World status and trends will follow the
components of the definition: the achievement of political independence; aver-
age income levels; industrialization; integration into the world economy; and
human development (Thomas, 1994, p. 10). By this definition the Third World
comprises approximately 100 states in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin
America and the Caribbean. Their combined population of over 4 billion
accounts for 77 per cent of the world’s total and their territories cover nearly
58 per cent of the world’s land area (World Bank, 2001b, p. 14).

Political independence

Only a tiny minority of countries that would be regarded as part of the Third
World by other criteria have not experienced colonialism at some stage in
their recent histories. The picture of the Third World in this respect is
becoming more complex with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the

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